Example sentences of "do [prep] home " in BNC.

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1 Well it it also allows me to once again break in here because er one of the things that you ca n't do in home improvement areas is talk to people about the final price on the phone .
2 They are run by Japanese , the real decisions are taken at head office , foreigners have no chance of promotion , and all the fancy design work is done at home , leaving the overseas factory as just an assembly plant for imported components .
3 Home care for the stroke patient may be chosen because the patient 's doctor feels that the necessary rehabilitation can be done at home , or might be best done at home ; the patient may be more comfortable , and therefore more co-operative to treatment if he remains among familiar surroundings ; he might be liable to excessive stress if parted from his close family , friends or a beloved pet ; or it may be a temporary situation , in which the patient is waiting for a bed in a specialist rehabilitation unit to become available .
4 Home care for the stroke patient may be chosen because the patient 's doctor feels that the necessary rehabilitation can be done at home , or might be best done at home ; the patient may be more comfortable , and therefore more co-operative to treatment if he remains among familiar surroundings ; he might be liable to excessive stress if parted from his close family , friends or a beloved pet ; or it may be a temporary situation , in which the patient is waiting for a bed in a specialist rehabilitation unit to become available .
5 Fortunately , there is much that can be done at home to reduce the level of chemical exposure — for the majority of patients , these simple measures will be enough to alleviate the symptoms considerably .
6 While a back scrub or massage can be done at home , getting rid of spots or blackheads is best left to the professionals .
7 This is best done at home so that the physical arrangements can be assessed .
8 People who had gone overseas had probably made a wise choice and were likely to be doing better than they could have done at home , so the government felt it had done enough for them already .
9 She was not content to be insulted in cafés by waiters more rude than any to be found in Northam ; she could not accept the lowliness of her status , for it seemed to pain her more abroad than it had done at home , and she felt that she should somehow have escaped it , that she should have been changed , somehow , into something new .
10 A relic of the domestic system of industry when spinning and weaving were done at home .
11 Could n't she have had it done at home ? ’
12 He came and stood beside me and picked out one of the new abstracts I 'd done at home .
13 The work was totally different to the volunteer work I had done at home and was quite a challenge .
14 ‘ For instance , the Guthrie heel prick test — to check for the disease PKU — is almost always done at home .
15 The work is to be done at home over a period of about nine months .
16 For example , if the seaming of stocking was not done at home by the wife , in 1811 a deduction of around 1s ( 5p ) was made from earnings of 13s ( 65p ) .
17 Although stool collection in their study was only carried out for 24–48 hours , it was done at home .
18 For most people who need it , caring is done at home .
19 It seemed to me that hardly any left the building in those weeks of May without murmuring apologetically that they were only leaving in order to get some baking done at home !
20 Speaking in public , as he can not do at home , Mr Sisulu said that this weekend 's conference in South Africa called by the Mass Democratic Movement to bring together all anti-apartheid forces was likely to call for intensified economic sanctions .
21 However , there are a number of things you can do at home to keep the coat healthy and to minimise your trips to the salon .
22 To observe the parental handling of the situation it must be made clear that the parents are expected to control their children during the session and do what they would do at home .
23 What would I do at home all day ? ’
24 Deciding she 'd had enough of her office for that week , she filled her briefcase to bulging with work she could do at home , and closed her office door at five sharp .
25 What does he do at home ?
26 They are given advice , counselling and work to do at home .
27 She could n't reach Kelpie from the nearest branch to him , but when she was as near as she could get she put out her hand and called softly to him , just as she used to do at home .
28 This was not a lucrative job , but she had had so much to do at home that she could n't undertake anything else .
29 Gabby , who , with her husband , was preparing to run a guest house and had quite enough to do at home , cooked and brought down to the new house a hearty and beautifully cooked meal each evening , and filthy and exhausted the three of us would wolf it down .
30 The feminists had marched in thousands when David Laing MP , in his maiden speech , urged married women to give up their jobs because ‘ there is so much to do at home ’ ; they sabotaged a cricket pitch ( cricket being ‘ male idleness elevated into a religion ’ ) etching into the grass with acid their crudest symbol : a round-cornered diamond to represent a vulva , with a large clitoris and no opening .
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