Example sentences of "do [prep] last " in BNC.

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1 I 'm having a yearly detailed print done of last year ,
2 Somebody 's car 's been done in last night anyway .
3 Erm what you done since last time ?
4 I was bored with it long ago , and so relieved to know it is really done at last . ’ )
5 ‘ It 's a relief to know that something positive is being done at last , ’ says Karen .
6 He felt better than he had for a while , with hard work aching in his bones and the knowledge that he had decided what he must do at last .
7 The women have a lot more catching up to do after last year 's bottom place , but new coach Alan McMurray is quietly confident they can come closer to their 1991 success .
8 ‘ Nothing to do with last night .
9 ‘ Or is this something to do with last Saturday ? ’
10 Oakenfold 's version of ‘ Cloud 8 ’ was the only well executed or timely attempt ( coming as it did during last summer 's mellow months ) , and is included on the four track limited edition giveaway , ‘ The Baby Album ’ .
11 They did for last year .
12 Based on a household with two adults — assuming no rebates or transitional relief — people in Lothian living in property valued at 58,000 and above will pay more under the Council Tax than they did under last year 's Community Charge .
13 Nobody loves you when you 're down and out and if United go down to Forest , as they did in last year 's sixth round , Ferguson may well be out .
14 ‘ I did until last year .
15 And when she did at last enter the music room — through the door from the arboretum — she found herself a seat at the back , at the end of a row .
16 Whatever their errors — and they had been considerable — the Bolsheviks did at last establish some measure of order that allowed some recovery from the attrition of the years .
17 Tullibardine , far more cautious , was reluctant even to cross to the mainland and when they did at last set sail they suffered the usual Jacobite bad luck .
18 When Delia Sutherland did at last ring it was three weeks after their meeting and he was proved right .
19 Just as they were leaving she did at last catch sight of some friends from school .
20 However , at Canto 106/753–54 ( there is a brief allusion at 104/745 to the mosaics at Monreale ) , we do at last find a Sicilian allusion in the context of writing that we can recognize as distinguished :
21 When faster music does at last arrive for the ‘ Magic Carillon ’ and the ‘ Infernal Dance , ’ its energy splutters ineffectually on the back burner .
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