Example sentences of "do [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 No I 'm not I 'm not interested in the socio groups what I 'm saying is what research have you done to confirm that the
2 However , it will say that everything is being done to see that whatever attempts that are made on the whereabouts of its disclosures will be judged by their predicament and a positive answer will be prepared .
3 ‘ We are saying that higher education is on the point of collapse , and unless something very radical is done to repair that damage we are going to have a completely different type of education system in the future , ’ he said .
4 The deliberate juxtaposition of these rituals of celebration has been done to suggest that the 1830s were years of transition in antislavery culture in which occasions of unity indicated growing divergences within the ‘ movement culture ’ .
5 It will not do to suggest that prose is always the inferior state , of course , since Edgar in prose is a better man than Edmund ( King Lear ) , as he is in verse , and Iago ( Othello ) works equal havoc in both media .
6 Although it will not do to assume that political developments in different nation states will ever be sufficiently ‘ synchronised ’ to avoid entirely the problems of advancing the socialist project in one country , or a restricted group of countries , this consideration does point to the vital need for maximum international coordination in the pursuit of socialist objectives .
7 It was necessary to remove the stainless steel split pins from the big end nuts — easier said than done considering that the crank shaft was seized solid and the position of some of the big ends in relation to the crankcase wall made access to them almost impossible .
8 But what should we do to ensure that our smoke detector is working properly ?
9 And what will he do to ensure that in future years the system pays up at the beginning of the year , not a third of the way through it or later ?
10 What will the Minister do to ensure that Wales gets a fair deal in research ?
11 I will not seek to justify this , any more than I would expect the Tories to justify the three day week , the Suez Crisis or any other element of their sordid history , for what we are discussing is a situation facing thousands of people in this district today , and what we are gon na do to ensure that they have a future .
12 Erm , I take the view that we ought to try and make the existing arrangements work and we are fast approaching a very key point er in that process erm I understand that on Thursday , er securities and investments board , the board will consider the er P I A , proposed P I A prospectus and that er within a week or so we shall all be able to read it and to look at it erm and the key point , which really is arises out of what we 're discussing tonight , the key point is what regulatory framework should the P I A place on intermediaries and on er life assurance companies , pension funds , financial advisors generally er in order to ensure that the public interest is protected and that if there are potential frauds erm such as the Levitt case er that we talked about earlier and I think the honourable member in sort of by implication in terms of er community service , er punishments that he referred to , er had also that in mind , er just what should we do to ensure that if there is malpractice and fraud , it 's picked up very , very quickly .
13 Close attention is given to the safe and hygienic handling of chemicals , and biomonitoring of personnel is done to ensure that the protective systems are working satisfactorily .
14 Telford gave it hollow spandrels to lighten the load on the foundations , which also gives a deceptive appearance of lightness to the structure ; and the roadway does not rise to the crown of the arch , which was usually done to ensure that rainwater would not lie on the road surface .
15 This is done to ensure that each local authority will reach a minimum standard of efficiency and carry out the service in accordance with the wishes of the Central Government .
16 While people recognized that ‘ unions are as strong as the members make them ’ little was done to ensure that shop stewards had authority from the work force .
17 The movies succeeded because people could just walk in from the streets but from the beginning everything was done to ensure that as many people as possible were brought in .
18 Harfleur was taken by siege and in the year which followed , everything was done to ensure that it should not be lost .
19 If it is accepted that representative or indirect democracy is at best an inadequate substitute for personal participation , and that everything possible should be done to ensure that the views and wishes of the people are represented as accurately as possible within such a system , it must surely follow that representation should be in proportion to the weight of opinion in the society itself .
20 It should be clear from this article that a more multicultural approach would improve the quality of mathematics education , and that there is much that can be done to ensure that the mathematics we teach prepares children for our multicultural society .
21 What can be done to ensure that the staff development needs of health education co-ordinators are met ?
22 Many of the other member states agreed with the Commission that more should be done to ensure that that implementation goes ahead .
23 This is an area where extensive work needs to be done to ensure that the consumer is not misled because of the plethora of terms that are applied .
24 I agree with the hon. Gentleman that every conceivable thing that can be done should be done to ensure that the applicant — the hon. Gentleman was right to say that he may be old and slightly confused — is assisted in filling out the forms .
25 Work therefore needs to be done to ensure that administrative records are retained sensibly , since it would be impossible to preserve every piece of information for ever .
26 The quality of even the latest software is not above reproach and much remains to be done to ensure that the computer is the servant rather than the master of its users .
27 I used to be a hunt supporter , I used to be a hunt follower I gave up because I object to an attitude of a society of people that life is disposable having seen wounded fox hounds and that is the proper term having seen wounded fox hounds despatched with a revolver because they 've got a broken leg having charged full pelt across a public road and hit a motor car coming the other way and fortunately not injured the occupants of the motor car having seen the damage that a pack of hounds in full cry can do to land that they are not entitled to be upon because fox hounds ca n't read .
28 The fact that the Labour Party did not lead public opinion as strongly as it might have done meant that the National government had an easier ride than it might otherwise have expected .
29 Nor will it do to argue that state socialism is a perversion or corruption of some pure source , for the source has been so consistent in what it has given rise to , and so wrong in its predictions , that the suspicion of some intrinsic connection between theory and practice can not be evaded .
30 This has been done to demonstrate that the charitable assets of the Association are being utilised within an appropriate framework that is acceptable to the Charity Commission .
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