Example sentences of "do [adv] well " in BNC.

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1 With limited resources , manager Jim Jefferies has done remarkably well to keep Falkirk in the big league .
2 ‘ There was no way we could see her coming out of it but she has done remarkably well . ’
3 Hence , Irish Young Scientists have done remarkably well at international science competitions .
4 Despite having come a close second to every junior side in the county at least once over the years , as the senior side in the tournament it is hardly surprising that Athletico should have done remarkably well .
5 The increase in growth will come from exports , which have done remarkably well by increasing their share of world trade for three successive years .
6 In truth she had done remarkably well staying out of her clutches for the past three days , but then , she reflected ruefully , Adam had kept his promise , staying practically glued to her side .
7 ‘ Over the years the players have done incredibly well from the national championships and have had higher prize money than a lot of international events , ’ said the SRA 's squash manager , Andrew Shelley .
8 ‘ Over the years the players have done incredibly well from the national championships and have had higher prize money than a lot of international events , ’ said the SRA 's squash manager , Andrew Shelley .
9 ‘ Seems she 's done right well for herself , ’ Mrs Appleby commented .
10 We have done rather well in Scotland , ’ he said .
11 Indeed , the Crown has generally done rather well in such cases .
12 I think I 've done rather well , there .
13 Moreover , the argument goes , OUP has — contrary to expectations in some quarters — done rather well since Sir Roger took over the reins .
14 Once he read something in a paper about Bella ; she seemed to have done rather well .
15 If he had n't become a personnel officer he would have done rather well in the police .
16 He wrestled to control himself , but the faint hope of convincing Mr Graham propelled the words irrepressibly from his lips : ‘ Actually , ’ he said as his boss opened the door , ‘ our banks have done rather well out of the debt crisis … ’
17 Certainly , it is no secret that , in proportional terms , Scotland has done rather well out of the arrangements .
18 He was to retain the valuable regions already granted him , and though he would in the future have to share the heartlands with Lothar , still , for a last-born son , he had done rather well .
19 Indeed , in recent years has done rather well out of its visits to Brussels by both politicians and officers .
20 Publicity for homelessness was part of the business and I know one lad said he 'd only got two pounds of sponsorship and er I thought well you 've you 've done rather well to get two quid .
21 So we 've done rather well there .
22 He discovered in the weeks and months that passed a real passion ; a task that was not only deeply therapeutic , but one that he also found he could do rather well .
23 It 's the one thing the nation that produced Shakespeare ( albeit 400 years ago ! ) thinks it can do rather well .
24 THERE is a degree of planetary turmoil to contend with in November although , because much of it is focused in a sign entirely compatible with your own , you may do rather well out of the situation .
25 I think he 's got a good idea here but if he takes that slant to his story you could do rather well .
26 Do you know , I think that would do rather well for Ron .
27 Let's say first of all that Ted has done jolly well in getting them out , and everyone deserves er , er you know , he deserves a tremendous vote of thanks from everyone .
28 But I think that from , er , Sir Edward 's point of view , he has done jolly well , and er , the families have already expressed their great gratitude to him .
29 ‘ I think we 've done jolly well in such a short time , ’ Sophie said bracingly and added hopefully , ‘ Perhaps we 'll make some new contacts at the party tonight , ’ and watched thankfully as Joanna 's face brightened .
30 They had done so well that the convent put photographs of the two girls in the local paper .
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