Example sentences of "do [adv] take " in BNC.

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1 Would n't she of done better to take erm a six month 's course in secretarial skills ?
2 When it is safe , give a right turn signal and as soon as you can do so take safely , take up position just left of the middle of the road or in the space marked by right turned vehicles , if you can leave room for other vehicles to pass on the left , wait until there is a safe gap between you and any oncoming vehicle , looking , look out of sight for motor cyclists and pedestrians , then make a turn , but do not cut the corner as people like pedestrians crossing the road in which you are turning .
3 Because I mind our Dad saying : ‘ She 'd do better to take on a class o' twelve-years-olds than take on Walter Machin ! ’
4 Demand for second-hand equipment is high , and British dealers would do well to take a look at the opportunities , he adds .
5 There 's a lot of truth in the criticism and South African supporters at the World Cup who dismissed all the sides as sub-standard would do well to take note of it .
6 We would do well to take heed of the American experience .
7 So , if this way of looking at the world is what starts up that vital fire in your imagination , then you would do well to take Watson 's top and have as your hero someone imbued with plenty of ordinary commonsense .
8 He had realised , for instance , when Martha was born , that he would do well to take flowers to the hospital , but not that if you buy an azalea in winter and carry it on a bus and through a number of cold streets , all the buds will drop off before you arrive .
9 But it was good advice , advice she would do well to take .
10 Does you does or does you do n't take access ?
11 So you think , you think people who live in in well off areas , there 's lots to do do n't take drugs ?
12 Gateways do n't do they do n't take their pounds out .
13 And you just But as we were saying er talking to Janet afterwards there was another little one down at the side , erm mum was getting a bit irate with him , but you see they do n't take anything for the children to do .
14 Once we were appointed and established , our immediate and inescapable responsibility was to design and teach courses that would enable students of English who wished to do so to take those examinations in Modern English Language , and to pass them .
15 Andrée without appearing to do so took charge of the evening .
16 I enclose a Statement showing the approximate sums involved in connection with your purchase but you will appreciate that these to do not take into account any apportionment of general and water rates .
17 But doing so takes time , so there will still be a gap in which to organise orderly realignments .
18 He therefore only makes a judgement when a profit-decision has to be made , and in doing so takes the risk that he could be wrong .
19 It indicates that a real change did eventually take place after all , in so far as freedom of information and the inappropriateness of direct consultation without public mediation eventually became accepted as something which , at worst , had to be risked and something which , at best , formed an essential task of the construction of a Christian conscience in a Christian society .
20 He did not take sides against Abstraction , even though he was one of the organisers of a Surrealist exhibition in London in 1937 .
21 It purports to be based on the recollections of courtiers and retainers hunted up after the fall : but I have heard it suggested that the author did not take to the Picador edition 's cover display of a picture of Haile Selassie , perhaps on the grounds of a misleading particularity .
22 It did not take long .
23 They knew the realist option but did not take it as a way out of a social impasse , because , I would argue , the phenomenalist tendency of thought is too strong .
24 Derrida 's reply did not take the form of a reasoned rebuttal but of ninety pages of verbal clowning , which put Searle in his place by referring to him throughout as ‘ Sarl ’ , an acronym for ‘ Societé à responsabilité limitée ’ , which means a limited company .
25 In the same week in which President Bush appeared on national television brandishing $3,200 worth of cocaine ( coercively obtained from a dealer who was dragged a block or two nearer the White House ) to raise the air-time mileage he earns on drugs , it did not take long for outrage to be expressed .
26 Mr Dear has said he did not take earlier action because he was told there was no evidence to suggest a wider conspiracy .
27 His mother came , but she did not take him away , and his Uncle Charlie told him that if he wrote another letter like that he would get a thrashing , so he stayed and coped .
28 The final shattering of the delusion did not take place until the 1940s ; but when it did occur , it prompted not the abandonment of the system of the delusion itself but a further and almost incredible elaboration of it .
29 But the idea for The Body Shop did not take root immediately .
30 Rose did not take him at his word .
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