Example sentences of "do [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( Grits , ground dried corn , are delicious when done properly in the South .
2 When a stick was cut for him to use as a crutch he hobbled about the yard , complaining that nothing was being done properly in his absence .
3 I hoped Nassim was making enough on the insurance claim to have the job done properly in the not-too-distant future .
4 This is done outstandingly by Mesters ( 1989 ) .
5 Some farmers cured their own bacon but most of the curing was done commercially by a few firms established for the purpose .
6 In my climbing heyday we had to make do mostly with faith and a little friction .
7 But in the overall scheme of things , we did n't do badly for media support .
8 As for drinking , we did n't do badly on the day and more followed later .
9 But should England do badly in Italy next summer , leading to Bobby Robson 's resignation or sacking , Kendall might find his shoulder touched by those at Lancaster Gate in preference , say , to Graham Taylor or Terry Venables .
10 But should England do badly in Italy next summer , leading to Bobby Robson 's resignation or sacking , Kendall might find his shoulder touched by those at Lancaster Gate in preference , say , to Graham Taylor or Terry Venables .
11 A two-run defeat seemed set fair to demoralize England , but their batsmen did not do badly in the second game at Sydney .
12 He did n't do badly in F. Ford , but F3 beckoned soon enough , a step which his biographer Eion Young rightly says proved a rite of passage from racing as a hobby to racing as a profession .
13 This story is written to be read out loud , and in many contemporary cultures , reading out loud is something done mostly for children .
14 One small room shows a splendid set of Rubens sketches , of scenes from the Metamorphoses of Ovid , done mostly for the King of Spain 's hunting-lodge .
15 oh yeah oh but , yeah , but , this is gon na be done mostly on the streets in it for us ? , so what they gon na learn about that ? do n't remember when thingy
16 Yes , but that 's probably , I mean , I 'm trying to instil that it 's got to be done right into them .
17 Justice was done right on half-time …
18 and that was that was done right underneath this lorry
19 The method employed may be a postal questionnaire sent out to hundreds , or even thousands , of possible respondents — in which case the ‘ going out ’ is being done rather at one step removed — but in this case the data are actually coming from a sample of people , even though no personal contact is made .
20 William Beveridge showed more appreciation of the problems posed by the burden of women 's household tasks when he stated that the ‘ housewife 's job , with a large family is frankly impossible and will remain so unless some of what has now to be done separately in every home can be done economically outside the home ’ ( although he never failed to assume that the final responsibility for domestic work rested with women ) .
21 Serial measurements of COHb ( IL 482 CO-Oximeter , Instrumentation Laboratory , USA ) were done hourly in all 6 patients until the index became normal , and arterial blood pressure , heart rate , and SpO were monitored ( peripheral oxygen saturation by M1020 module , Hewlett Packard , USA ) .
22 [ That this House calls upon the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and the Minister of State for Overseas Development to grant Aid Trade Provision Cover and ECGD cover over three years from 1992 to enable Communication Supplies Ltd. to continue to export further System X telephone exchanges and ancillary equipment to Kenya , which they have done successfully for the past seven years ; and furthermore notes that the Kenyan Government considers this project as top of their list of priorities for trade with the United Kingdom , and the project will save and provide many thousands of jobs throughout the United Kingdom and will lead to repeat business for many years to come , and that if funding is not forthcoming the contract will be lost to the United Kingdom and awarded to either Japanese , French or Italian companies , all of whom have shown open interest . ]
23 The idea that meaningful research could be done successfully without experiment still leaves some chemists feeling insecure , although many chemists now realise how slow they were to embrace quantum mechanics as a tool .
24 This was done successfully through the use of patois both defensively and offensively by the group .
25 This can only be done successfully through central control of the resources .
26 Bonding to enamel has been done successfully by etching the surface with orthophosphoric acid and subsequently infiltrating with resin monomers .
27 And it was done successfully in Brothers , I 've got to say that .
28 Oyster farming is certainly possible , and it 's been done successfully in a number of places .
29 Erm not really you know maybe in an out of the way way they might but you know the type of musicians we are or whatever , you know we can do say I can do all the Irish stuff the up tempo rousing songs I can play Irish and Scottish dances and that kind of stuff , then Tony can do right across the board with easy listening stuff and country stuff and even one of the tracks on our new C D is er is er well what I would term a pop song .
30 ‘ The manager treats his players like adults and if you do right by him he will do right by you , ’ Goram points out .
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