Example sentences of "they in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or would you tell them in no uncertain terms to leave immediately ?
2 It was a natural thing for them to do so I did n't take any action — told them in no uncertain terms that this man was ill and he eventually came to and everyone was happy then .
3 ‘ We have a full match calendar , and we have left them in no doubt about our attitude . ’
4 ‘ Yous all too late fer lunch , dat finished gone an hour ago , ’ she informed them in no uncertain terms .
5 The Home Secretary wrote to and held regular briefing sessions with Chief Constables , leaving them in no doubt as to what he expected of them ( Uglow , 1988 ) .
6 She 'll make mincemeat of them in no time . ’
7 But it solved the problem of Thérèse 's tantrums at night , it cured them in no time .
8 ( 4 ) You may use the premises for the sole purpose of … ( 5 ) You will keep the premises clean and tidy and will leave them in no worse condition than that in which they are at the date of this letter and free from rubbish .
9 But his tone left them in no doubt as to his feelings as he grunted , ‘ I suggested to your fiancée , ’ he uttered the noun with contempt , ‘ that she release you from this ridiculous arrangement .
10 I left them in no doubt about how I felt on Friday and Saturday .
11 It leaves them in no doubt as to what 's required .
12 His fortunes are those of a solitary who is due to return to his people and to chance it with them in a further foreign place .
13 Pot up the summer 's fuchsias and geraniums and store them in a frost-free position over winter .
14 An alternative is to put the planted-up bowls in black polythene sacks ties at the top and keep them in a cold greenhouse or cool , frost-free outhouse , garage or shed .
15 Keep them in a cool dry place until the appropriate sowing time .
16 Keep them in a specific place and discard ones you do n't use .
17 ‘ One or two of these mushrooms are deliquescing already , ’ Rodney picked out a couple and put them in a plastic bag .
18 Later when he was hungry , he ate three of them in a row , washed down with bottles of beer which he said he did n't much care for .
19 Not so High Rocks , whose owners have steadily raised their admission charges in the last few years , threatened climbers with access restrictions , and put nothing at all back into the maintenance of the rocks , save to enclose them in a sturdy , reinforced fence .
20 ‘ . If we assume — and it is probably the right assumption — that students can no longer easily read isolated literary texts , but need to make sense of them in a variety of contexts , much power is given to the teacher who decides which are the relevant cultural codes to be invoked and expounded ; Marxists , at least , are specific on the matter .
21 ( Pound had studied some of the same French poets , notably Laforgue and Rimbaud , but he had profited by them in a quite different way from Eliot , and he was averse to the central thrust of the symboliste endeavour , to which indeed the imagist or imagiste movement which he had sponsored had been intended as a challenging alternative . )
22 He says that ‘ when children have limited communication and language skills , you often need to reinforce what you say to them in a physical form .
23 Nor is it much use to put them in a pocket , for the rigours of the downward journey are such that they arrive at ground level in the form of an omelette .
24 The ex-peasant Sergei Esenin viewed them in a more suspicious way in a poem published in 1922 :
25 Thus Richard Dyer has argued of gay machismo that , by taking the traditional signs of masculinity and ‘ eroticising them in a blatantly homosexual context , much mischief is done to the security with which ‘ men' ’ are defined in society , and by which their power is secured' ( ‘ Getting Over the Rainbow ’ , 61 ) .
26 Families may be placed high in these hierarchies for a variety of reasons — because they have brought with them the high status they had in their villages , because they have acquired status by helping new families settle here in the fifties and sixties and kept them in a state of perennial obligation , because they have gone up in class and ( as a Sikh woman in Newham told me ) ‘ claim status by pretending to be ultra-devout and criticising others who are less so . ’
27 For the trade unions to buck existing laws ( eg. to cut off supplies to the factory ) would involve them in a political struggle they do not have the strength or will to win — against the government , against the employers , against ‘ public opinion ’ .
28 The ultimate composite materials capitalise on the inherent strength and lightness of reinforced resins by deploying them in a sandwich construction .
29 If your father has a favourite hobby , gather together a few well-chosen gifts that you know he will like and wrap them in a presentation basket .
30 If you need to keep them longer , rinse and pat dry and store them in a sealable container in the fridge .
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