Example sentences of "they leave the " in BNC.

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1 The four soldiers , who are now all stationed in Germany but were then in Bordon , each said in evidence that it was this incident which had persuaded them to leave the pub .
2 Anderson ( 1971 , pp. 125–7 ) argues that the good wages which young people could earn in the cotton towns in the mid-nineteenth century altered the balance between parents and children and put them on more equal terms when they shared a household , and also made it more possible for them to leave the parental home — although boys did this more often than girls .
3 This nest set up on the flat lands beyond the power stations on the south east coast will provide the evidence to Bill and his bird watching colleagues It 's not only the owls that fly at night , waders will feed at any time , but the rising tide will force them to leave the mud flats day or night
4 ‘ And was n't it kind of them to leave the things to Anne and myself and the nice messages ? ’
5 On the other hand , two other cases involving individuals seeking asylum in foreign embassies were resolved by the authorities allowing them to leave the country .
6 ‘ He told them to leave the house immediately and it would appear that they did not take him seriously but laughed when he said this .
7 I have noticed women at parties distracted and uneasy , seen them leave the group they 're in to join another , where their partner , they fear , is having too good a time , his attention too focused for comfort on another woman .
8 Switch the mortgage on buying a new house ? and 3. could they leave the Abbey and go elsewhere ?
9 Advisers to the managers should consider carefully the conditions attaching to their shareholdings , and the transfer provisions should they leave the company .
10 And why did they leave the church house ?
11 Why did they leave the church house ?
12 There is no outside view of any sort and the only time they leave the cell is for weekend visits from relatives , bi-daily showers or for 45 minutes ' daily exercise .
13 Too many pilots allow their glider to zoom up too steeply as they leave the ground .
14 But we can buttonhole anyone we please as they leave the chamber : a privilege akin to the London correspondents of Pravda or Izvestia being able to accost cabinet ministers in the members ' lobby of the Commons .
15 No doubt the person who censors the letters before they leave the Front has deleted all of my remarks concerning Lovat .
16 Do n't miss these two chances to see red deer and roe deer as they leave the cover of their reed beds in the Leighton Moss Nature Reserve .
17 They leave the state of nature ‘ by setting up a judge on earth with authority to determine all the controversies and redress the injuries that may happen to any member of the commonwealth ’ .
18 Rather than dropping his company 's commission bearing charge completely , he would have preferred to have reduced it and moved it from the front to the back end of his unit trusts — that is , charging investors as they leave the fund rather than as they enter .
19 At or soon after puberty they leave the troops in which they were born and work their way into new ones .
20 However , their big advantage is that they leave the purchaser with unlimited upside potential in the event of a favourable exchange rate movement .
21 At depth , they leave the basket , swim to the work site and their umbilicals pass through the basket .
22 Cutter-bar and rotary mowers are rather unsuitable because they leave the swathe lying in the direction of cut with heads and butts mixed ; it is then difficult to pick up , sort , and bind the sheaves .
23 If the cells have a ‘ clock ’ that stops when they leave the zone the time on the clock will give them their position along the axis .
24 The company has devised a system of recording non-copyright material , like discordant brass band music or language tuition , on the bulk rolls of tape as they leave the magnetic coating bath .
25 The nymphs remain with their mother through one or two moults , infecting and reinforcing one another , and they may go on doing this after they leave the nest , as the young of any one year remain more or less together in a loose family association .
26 A close look at those two intriguing papers shows how even the most objective scientist can unwittingly colour his conclusions to suit his expectations ; but they leave the question of variations in solar size very much still open .
27 Both of them jump back slightly as a cat darts in front of them as they leave the park , they both watch it running across the road without looking and then scramble up a wall to window ledge .
28 Thanks to an amendment in 1989 to the 1985 Representation of the People Act , Britons may continue to vote by proxy for up to 20 years after they leave the country .
29 The Commanders having in person executed the covetous part of Sacrilege , they leave the destructive and spoiling part to be finished by the common soldiers ; [ who ] broke down the organs and dashing the pipes with their pole-axes , scoffingly said ‘ hark how the organs go ’ .
30 In Britain newborn babies are identified with name tags before they leave the delivery room .
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