Example sentences of "they that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I would talk about the call to the WTN office in Beirut saying that John was OK , and tell them that Sontag 's sighting of Brian showed that silence from the kidnappers did n't necessarily mean that a hostage was dead .
2 I warned them that d-i-yers should stop short of tampering with British Telecom 's property , but they nevertheless decided to take look inside the junction box .
3 It informs them that others in society are more important and have a natural right to fill certain positions .
4 A small figure was seated beside the trainer and it was only when the two men got out of the car and walked briskly towards them that Kelly saw that it was Cy McCray .
5 A look passed between them that Isabel , braced for the blow and hardly daring to breathe , could n't decipher .
6 And it was just after he 'd flicked through one of them that Detective Constable Hodges ( blast his eyes ! ) had come in , walked over to the newspaper stall , and picked up the top copy but one from the Daily Mirror pile .
7 But hospital officials later informed them that doctors were simply waiting to confirm she was clinically dead .
8 He so enjoyed them that Minton suggested he should write his own .
9 In the absence of any details it is difficult to assess the force of these references to biology and sociology … . ( 1 ) What , if any , were the false biological views in question ? ( 2 ) How did it follow from them that women could not be ordained to the priesthood ? ( 3 ) What are the views which have taken their place ? … . ( 7 ) Have the views about women which have now come to be held proved to be true ?
10 It was for them that Paul Rotha spoke when he declared : ‘ The dialogue film , at its best , can only be a poor substitute for the stage . ’
11 He gave the jury a list of Meehan 's past convictions , knowing that he was prevented by the rules of evidence from telling them that Waddell was at that moment serving a sentence in Barlinnie for wounding or that he had served a previous sentence for perjury at Meehan 's trial .
12 Hampshire players were staggered when Smith told them that Waqar had said : ‘ I 'm going to ******* kill you , you **** . ’
13 It was a term of the contract between them that Jones would procure his wife to grant a mortgage over her separate property to secure £1,000 of the debt .
14 That feeling was mutual , … it was Baroness Thatcher who addressed the congregation at the service today , telling them that Lord Ridley had ’ style , elegance originality and special courage . ’
15 It was obvious to them that Danzig , up to the advent of the Nazis , had been far freer from racial strife and entrenched national rivalry than might have been expected in such a complex and explosive economic and political environment .
16 Such new social engineering is based on a specific form of behaviourist psychology — rewards and punishments directed at individuals teach them that actions have consequences , that failures or mistakes are punished and not rewarded , so that behaviour changes .
17 The latter informed them that Father Crispin and Allingham were working elsewhere .
18 But Terry Vaux , the WRU committeeman who resigned from the International Board because of the row , has written to clubs in his area , Gwent , informing them that Rowlands had encouraged him to attend .
19 He had told them that Whitlock would be promoted to Deputy Director when he retired at the end of the year .
20 The white Gulfstream One executed a perfect landing but it was only when it taxied towards them that Whitlock saw the blue , red and white Zimbalan flag painted on the side of the fuselage with the words ‘ Air Zimbala ’ above it in black lettering .
21 We ca n't blame them that vandals spray paint on the walls .
22 The doctor in the Accident and Emergency Department told them that Sally had been very lucky ; sniffing aerosols can kill at the first attempt , and some people 's hearts are affected .
23 Early in 1987 , a memo was circulated to all Harvard staff assuring them that Harvard would still be in business that time the following year and that appeal options would be taken up , should the Stock Exchange turn down their application for membership .
24 It was also vital to them that Persia should be able to prevent any Russian drive to the south .
25 He did everything in his power to assure them that Prussia was satiated .
26 The new system involved some staffing reductions — voluntary redundancies ; it was probably them that Edouard de Chavigny wanted to discuss , or some details of the system .
27 The apostle Paul , answering the anxious questions of Christians whose loved ones had died , reminded them that Jesus ' own victory over death makes it certain that those who have come into a close relationship with him will share his new , full life which goes beyond the grave .
28 He maintained the IFA 's statement resulted from its desire to speed up court cases pending against IBM and used the tired old argument about local opposition blocking further investment and thus hurting the local economy : ‘ Irish Base Metals are working with a major oil company and we have to convince them that Ireland and Galway are good places for investment .
29 The need to catch the attention of browsers and quickly to tell them that Parker pens are elegant , or that Toshiba personal computers are high-tech , has spawned most of these ‘ display ’ faces .
30 Though assuring them that Kazakhstan , Byelarus and Ukraine had undertaken to give up their nuclear weapons , he also warned of the danger of social unrest in the former Soviet Union .
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