Example sentences of "with such [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A system failure has a knock-on effect throughout the hotel and adequate contingency plans must be in place to cope with such a situation .
2 To sit like this with such a beautiful woman .
3 I am delighted to be associated with such a far-reaching project that will act as a clearing house for many people 's activities across the world through a service dedicated to the needs of an unrestricted membership .
4 Faced with such a quick and potentially damaging erosion of its business base , BR tackled the situation on two fronts — reduction of costs and a headon response to the coach operators with bargain fare offers .
5 Of course , Jeanne would have to be careful with such a large dog that , in his enthusiasm , he did n't bowl other dogs or people over , or frighten them .
6 With such a range of useful properties , the Berkeley team envisage as chip in which insulating , semiconducting and superconducting components are fabricated together , based on epitaxial layers .
7 I am afraid that I must say frankly that I do not think I can open the columns of the Q.R. — at any rate , at present — to any one associated publicly with such a publication as Blast .
8 With the exception of Paul Nilon 's delightfully zany Count Belfiore , the principal roles were in some danger of being upstaged by the slightly lesser ones ( Nilon is not to blame if it remains incredible that any woman , let alone two , should fall in love with such a bizarre creature ) .
9 Putting to one side the other inequities associated with such a system should it be introduced , I hope due consideration would be given to the problems of the disabled .
10 If the new liberals have their way , the law can not be credited even with such a modest achievement .
11 In retrospect I would not choose a boot with such a low-cut ankle again .
12 He had insisted on living in Auckland Castle though some people said that it was absurd for the Bishop of Durham to be saddled with such a pile .
13 I do n't think even the most jealous Committee of Privileges could do anything with such a sentence , but its meaning is clear enough .
14 As simple as can be , except that nowhere in the world have I encountered a door with such a gap between it and the floor .
15 But precisely because purity is invested with such a tremendous erotic charge , fears of ‘ impurity ’ remained insistent and corrosive , and in a perversely dynamic proximity disavowed along lines suggested by Freud 's remarks at the beginning of this section , and in a passage from ‘ Repression ’ ( 191 5 ) worth citing again in this context :
16 Rachel was not an easy person to go to with such a strange and garbled fear .
17 He sat and looked at her , and licked her toes with such a gathered pure tenderness , such a chuckled tickliness , that it was heartbreaking .
18 With such a tool it only needs a little extra pressure to severely weaken the main trace line .
19 The problem with such a misrepresentation was much more significant than a mere historical mistake .
20 The absence of individual marriages led Morgan to the view that in such a society a person must belong to the gens of the mother , not the gens of the father , because with such a system of marriage you could never be sure who your father was .
21 To a people with such a tenuous hold on real freedom — one puff at the fish export market from the US would blow Iceland away — roots are important .
22 It seems incomprehensible that a chassis with such a marked front weight-bias and an inside-rear tyre that can jump six inches clear of the ground can also provide such superlative behaviour .
23 JA II impresses first with how tiny it looks for a car with such a monstrous reputation , second for the sheer physical intensity of the power when the Ford V8 crashes into life .
24 Our Metro has not been a particularly healthy child and its latest illness is a pair of prematurely-worn front seats , the only set with such a problem in the whole of the UK .
25 Some researchers have obtained very impressive results with such a treatment .
26 These new levels invariably clash with such a feature and variations on one means of convincingly disguising what might be an unattractive junction of new and retained construction are illustrated in the following sections , which include accounts of the conversion of two conventional nineteenth-century Anglican churches .
27 Seeing his ideas — which were greeted with such a chill at first — take off , was a tremendous boost to the Prince of Wales .
28 It was the fact that the same individual could experiment with such a wide range of themes , subjects and styles that kept the spirit of invention alive , and encouraged some startling developments in film narrative , none of which had anything to do with theatrical forms of presentation .
29 With such a large literary storehouse to draw on , it all seemed so easy , even if the results were often dispiriting .
30 With such a lot riding on the snip of a scissor , it 's not surprising that the breast beneath the hairdresser 's gown is heaving with unrealistic expectations and conflicting emotions of hope and fear .
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