Example sentences of "with them the " in BNC.

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1 One by one the members of the crowd trickled out into the fête , carrying with them the news of Phipps 's death .
2 Car sales were uncomfortably large , and with them the July trade deficit ; but the Treasury thought it detected more comforting underlying trends .
3 ‘ While some parts of the industry are likely to be very profitable , other parts will have concealed dangers , which could well carry with them the seeds of financial disaster . ’
4 Families may be placed high in these hierarchies for a variety of reasons — because they have brought with them the high status they had in their villages , because they have acquired status by helping new families settle here in the fifties and sixties and kept them in a state of perennial obligation , because they have gone up in class and ( as a Sikh woman in Newham told me ) ‘ claim status by pretending to be ultra-devout and criticising others who are less so . ’
5 In most cases these families are poor , but they have brought with them the petit-bourgeois values of financially better-off days , and this has led to an apparently unquenchable materialism .
6 He was even with them the night the King died in 1952 .
7 Celebrate with them the Catholicity of the Church .
8 As those developers go bust and along with them the credit unions , larger banks will be goaded to take their weaker brethren over .
9 In return GE promises to share with them the knowledge it gains — in effect , to provide management-consultancy services for free .
10 Prepare with them the perfumes for his burial .
11 It can hardly be pure coincidence that within three years of Kinsey 's appearance the limits of permissible sexual explicitness in the arts and entertainment had radically changed and with them the public image of the ideal woman as projected in , above all , films .
12 They took with them the word ‘ Tabernacle ’ which came to mean in architectural terms a building in rectangular shape , with a Greek temple frontage outside and inside , little decoration and preaching in the conservative , earthy , evangelistic and Calvinistic tradition .
13 They took with them the 16-year-old Jane as interpreter .
14 Yet in competition with them the Bournonville ballets did not find favour with the sophisticated Viennese public .
15 ‘ We are also concerned that any troublesome remand prisoner is unlikely to be sent to the Wolds , and that while we have to deal with them the Group 4 people are cushioned . ’
16 But the animals then begin to remove the diatoms , and with them the nutrients they contain .
17 Not long afterwards the protesters also dispersed , obeying the order of the chief steward to take with them the newspapers on which they had been sitting .
18 While this exchange was going on , Rodrigo had allowed certain of his men to desert to the other side , taking with them the story that El Cid was about to escape by night through one of the passes .
19 Discuss with them the issue of sharing tasks and power and let them suggest ideas for improved delegation .
20 When the dawn came , anxious viewers on the shore could see that the waves had taken with them the Eddystone lighthouse , its eccentric architect and five other unfortunate souls .
21 There is a theory that they brought with them the ancestors of the naturally polled northern breeds such as the Angus and Galloway , but in fact there had been polled cattle in Britain since the Iron Age and they were not necessarily imported — not even from Scandinavia , where many cattle are polled .
22 It is a polled breed , closely related to the Swedish Mountain and the North Finnish and sharing with them the white colour-pointed coat cline .
23 Their one common denominator is tap , and as the lessons go by we are drawn into their lives , finally sharing with them the triumph of their first public performance !
24 But these are not organised , structured animal societies — they are abnormal explosions of the locust population and they carry with them the seeds of their own downfall , as do modern human populations that are heading in the same direction .
25 The tips of the spiny ribs pass through special pores as they impale the predator and they carry with them the secretions of nearby glands — glands that cause intensely painful poisoning of the inside of the attacker 's mouth .
26 Returning to our canine theme , dogs still carry with them the same instincts possessed by their wild ancestors , still remaining members of that same species — the wild wolf — even after so many generations of breeding have made them what must be the most diverse species upon Earth .
27 Beforehand he met a number of local farmers and discussed with them the problems that CAP , GATT and subsidies pose for agriculture in this country .
28 But fortunately the dice are almost always loaded in their favour , and if we decide to fight with them the end result , for them and for us , can be that ‘ Out of this nettle , danger , we pluck this flower , safety ’ .
29 They even brought with them the distinctive knocker which was later returned to Oxford in the late nineteenth century .
30 The new recruits to Labour did not , however , bring with them the institutional structures of Nonconformity which played so important a part in both Liberal and peace politics before 1914 .
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