Example sentences of "with the way " in BNC.

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1 Pleased with the way dust has settled on the sieves .
2 No doubt there will be some who dismiss such utterances as hypocritical , asking how such views can be reconciled with the way Mr Chatrier , as President of the French Tennis Federation , worked so hard to provide Paris , in what was already a crowded autumn calendar , with what at the time was the richest official indoor tournament , other than The Masters , in terms of prize money .
3 The ADC found that all of the 83 district councils responding to the survey expressed concern with the way in which the Secretary of State was implementing the legislation .
4 A National Consumer Council report suggests that only 31% of council and housing associations tenants were satisfied with the way in which their complaints were handled , and that one in six tenants dissatisfied with the service provided by their landlord had not made a complaint at all .
5 ‘ There were problems in the past with the way the fund was run , but when I took over a couple of years ago we took a very long look at our accounting system and put matters right .
6 But you have to balance that with the way a major wo n't allow you the same freedom of artistic licence and influence over your promotion and development that an independent company can offer .
7 The manner of Charlie 's death in this particular incarnation , coupled with the way in which he is able to look back over his earlier experiences no doubt contributed a lot to the fate of Eliot 's Phlebas ,
8 Lots of people are fed up with the way their lives are headed but they do n't often take the trouble to do anything about it .
9 Which probably had something to do with the way that what we sold would reappear slightly redone in Acme six months later .
10 He first ventured into retailing in 1964 because he was so disenchanted with the way his furniture was being displayed in the shops to which he supplied .
11 In the end , she explains , ‘ I became more confident and happy with the way I looked .
12 It seems that one underlying problem is your relationship with your husband , who is gradually undermining your self confidence by comparing you as you are now with the way you looked as a teenager .
13 Jack Lewis was about to embark on his professional career as a college tutor at Magdalen ; and since not everyone is familiar with the way Oxford functions , it might be worth explaining exactly what his work was going to entail .
14 While Sir Lewis declared himself to be reasonably happy with the way the group 's three hotels were being used , he admitted that the 100-acre-plus ski resort was suffering from a glaring lack of investment , and poor road communications .
15 I 'm sure you 've heard it thousands of times before but I am fed up with the way I look .
16 Colin Appleby , of the Midland Bank , is extremely pleased with the way the game has turned out .
17 Although I 'm sure that has a lot to do with the way I listen , Louis Armstrong being this all-time winner and happy guy . ’
18 It started with the way the tour was organised .
19 In February 69% of Britons told pollsters they were satisfied ‘ with the way the American government is handling the situation in the Gulf ’ — up from 49% the previous month .
20 Instead of impressing its customers with the ease and convenience of , say , Microsoft 's ‘ Word ’ word-processing program , the company hopes to wow them with the way that ‘ Word ’ can incorporate charts or query a remote database for the latest sales figures .
21 Now he is unhappy with the way the programme is working .
22 Apart from the difficulties caused by the weather , few farmers are happy with the way oilseed rape is being priced and traded this harvest .
23 Are you happy with yourself , with the way you look ?
24 Every now and again you feel dissatisfied with the way you look or feel .
25 The same section of the population remarked in November ‘ that the Führer had spoken more than normally about God ’ , that ‘ apparently even among the old Nazis there 's nothing more doing without God ’ , which accorded badly , however , with the way the Party was treating the Church .
26 But I 'm happy with the way I look , because it 's the look that most suits who I am inside .
27 Sometimes you dare n't say yes , I like the way I look , because you 're afraid that somebody will judge you harshly : Why are you happy with the way you look , you 've got short mousey brown hair ? or whatever .
28 Some days I 'm happy with the way I look , others I 'm not .
29 I 'd say I was happy with the way I look 90 per cent of the time ; I ca n't imagine myself any other way .
30 It seems I have always been obsessed with the way I look .
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