Example sentences of "you [vb mod] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 We 've done a profile of the courses and guess what they all happen in the school holidays , so this is n't , this is n't over yet in fact for all the user groups , for you , the clubs and the organizations , it really does need a push from you , you must by and large are the deci decision makers , the club officers and I would ask you urgently whether or whether or not your clubs already got its name on the list , to actually support the people within your club that are laying these things on .
2 Gradgrind 's becoming an MP in Hard Times gives him further opportunity for satire : Parliament figures as ‘ the national cinder-heap ’ ( HT ii 11 ) where the MPs , ‘ the national dustmen ’ , get up ‘ a great many noisy little fights amongst themselves ’ ( HT ii 12 ) , and the image recurs in Our Mutual Friend when CD apostrophizes the nation 's legislators : ‘ My lords and gentlemen and honourable boards , when you in the course of your dust-shovelling and cinder-raking have piled up a mountain of pretentious failure , you must off with your honourable coats for the removal of it , and fall to work … or it will come rushing down and bury us alive ’ ( OMF iii 8 ) .
3 Ah , but you might off ca n't remember whether we bought anything yesterday out of your pocket money .
4 Bill come out er a here with car you know you could round with pub
5 oh he said you could out with that Pakkie .
6 soc : But you could back my project ?
7 So , you could off asked him , what 's he mean by the word paradigm .
8 Well erm it was a sticky bus you know , er a field in Winter , it was just er bare soil , there was n no no grass on it and with the cart trudging back and forth , getting towards er a gateway , you would up to your knees in mud you know .
9 Are you making any at the minute that nobody else would make , that only you would back or only you would nurture ?
10 And then you 'll you 'll get more value by selling yours up there , than you would down here .
11 With these you can over power them .
12 Bash , your readers need you — only you can up the slaughter rate . ’
13 generally speaking I think you can up to about half time without having any effect on your re- employment earnings .
14 So you can up to the colliery and see if you can get one there .
15 Er it 's just a thought to say well if I , if , if this training is so important I will use it over and over again , it makes sense to save the preparation time four or five months down the line by having a script and now only you can up with your examples .
16 It varies considerably you can have eight you can up to fourteen except fifteen why , how many do you want in ?
17 She said you can up and have one with me if you like sometimes , I said alright then .
18 Find out as much as you can about till procedure in your shop/a shop you know .
19 ‘ Make the tallest tower that you can out of newspaper ’ or ‘ list ten things that a good teacher does ’ are approaches of engaging your audience and making the meeting more lively .
20 Secondly , you will best get there by squeezing all you can out of every position you hold and out of the experience of every man you serve or meet : pick their brains , study their successes and their failures ; never be afraid to ask questions or put new ideas , but do not get upset or angry if they are not accepted at first , and do not assume that the other man 's judgment is wrong .
21 Do n't , do n't be put off by that , erm , just , you know , grab whatever you can out of it .
22 But if you can out about the trailer
23 You can back one party or another to win the election , or bet on men arriving from outer space , without having to make any contribution to the costs of the election campaign or the necessary expenses of the men from outer space .
24 And to prove it , we 're giving away stickers and badges so you can back him too . ’
25 Well I r , I r , I reckon I reckon you can down to that , yeah .
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