Example sentences of "that during the " in BNC.

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1 The proposal also included an offer to reduce the price of supplies in real terms over the first five years and a pledge that during the contract period prices would remain ‘ within the general movement of prices in the economy ’ .
2 While the outcome of the battle between public and private is far off , there is no doubt that during the phase of conflict the viewer is the winner .
3 The chances are that during the first eight or nine years you may appear to be treading water in the process of proving yourself .
4 L think most people felt that during the early stages of the miners , strike the British Coal balance with Scargill was not strong enough .
5 And there , after her warming-up exercises , she leaped like a gazelle , undisturbed by the fact that she was being filmed on video by two pupils and barely noticing that during the session a small group of people tiptoed on to the gallery , and she did her last jump to applause .
6 To think that during the Blitz , families , stout-hearted folk , were down in these caverns holding hands beneath blankets and whistling the stirring refrains of Dame Vera Lynn .
7 The lack of international controls in the North Pacific Ocean , and the proliferation of the salmon , tuna , billfish , and squid drift-net fleets over the past two decades , has resulted in the development of a North Pacific fishery so huge that during the 6-month season , the 1000 or so vessels involved deploy 35 million km ( 1.9–3.4 million miles ) of netting .
8 The government is also aware that during the next ten years Japan has its last chance to provide more of the amenities that most westerners take for granted .
9 Then she told me that during the last winter , while I was in Sweden , my father had already had an attack , but they had not told me .
10 I was also surprised to hear that during the last few days her Premium Bond had won £5,000 .
11 CPRE 's evidence shows that during the committee stages of the 1986 Agriculture Act , Mr Gummer said that conservation advice would not be charged for .
12 I will go so far as to concede that taken in isolation , ripped away from the defining context of humour and irony and friendship , studied in their literal or surface sense only , then , yes , the words I spoke in that room as Robert stood at the window pretending to take me seriously could be understood to mean that during the past six or seven years I had gone to bed with more than one hundred and fifty prostitutes .
13 It probably has also escaped his notice that some of the BBC 's most cowardly-looking decisions — to drop the controversial film , The Last Temptation of Christ , to withdraw the Panorama programme on the economy and to decree that during the election campaign opinion polls should not lead the news bulletins — constitute genuflections to the Tories .
14 We now know that during the Saturday daylight raids on London , a chiefs-of-staff meeting took urgent action on deciding that invasion was likely within a few hours ; they had the code word ‘ Cromwell ’ flashed from the War Room to military units at 20.07 hours that evening ( which presumably led to the flap at my unit ; the station commander was away that weekend , and the acting CO in charge ) .
15 In a 1972 paper I suggested that during the evolution of terrestrial open-country monkeys , two main selection pressures operated on the individuals whose collective strategies lead to the interactions and relationships that are responsible for the social structure ( see also Fig. 4.1 ) .
16 Belfast Harbour Commissioners are confident that during the 1990's the Port will respond to the challenges presented by changing trading patterns within an economically unified Europe with the ability to satisfy its customers ' needs and demands for an efficient , cost effective service .
17 The Belfast Harbour Commissioners are confident that during the 1990's the Port of Belfast will remain Ireland 's premier port , largely due to its ability to respond to the challenges presented by changing trading patterns within an economically unified Europe and by its ability to satisfy its customers ' need and demands for an efficient , cost effective service .
18 Whether Cecil Leitch found the course embarrassingly short is not clear , but Lady Rathcreedan afterwards proposed that during the summer ladies should use the men 's tees to lengthen their course although without altering the par !
19 An analysis by economist Alex Henney showed that during the 1970s — the last period of intense activity — construction time and costs of US nuclear plants had repeatedly exceeded expectations .
20 It is probable that during the short drive from the palace to Villeneuve l'Etang both decided that certain aspects of court protocol would have to be looked into and that changes would have to be made .
21 The news reached Napoleon III just before he left the Tuileries to distribute the prizes to the successful exhibitors , and observers noticed , without at that stage knowing the reason , that during the ceremony he seemed even more abstracted than usual .
22 The Committee drew attention to the fact that during the experiment fewer Members had been formally penalised for bad behaviour than in several recent sessions , and reported that neither the Speaker nor the Community had any evidence that rowdiness had significantly increased ; on the possible long-term effect , early evidence was ‘ mildly encouraging ’ .
23 Entering the church you can see that during the first building period of 1578–81 , the E end up to the crossing was constructed ; then the nave was continued in 1600–61 .
24 Of course , she too eventually left my staff to get married , but I can vouch that during the time she worked as housekeeper under me , she was nothing less than dedicated and never allowed her professional priorities to be distracted .
25 It has been shown that during the period there is flow of menstrual products backwards up the fallopian tubes and even into the abdominal cavity .
26 This gives me the terrible dichotomy of knowing that during the stalking season I would dearly love to ruin the day for the fat boors crawling all over Scotland , puffing in their tweeds , but I would hate to disturb Ted and his colleagues at their job , which pays their grocery bills and is their only source of income .
27 It was alleged that during the incident , at which more police arrived , a black woman was assaulted .
28 Often , we would disturb huge salmon , red-dressed for spawning , and I suspect that during the days of the POW camp , salmon were a frequent supplement to meagre wartime rations .
29 One journalist has written that during the Grunwick dispute of the late 1970s a tap was attached to the telephone used by the strike committee in the Brent Trades ' Council offices in Willesden Lane .
30 Recently , travel industry experts forecast that during the 1990s specialist travel shops will open where customers will be able to buy travel goods and equipment alongside their tickets and package holidays — Cook was always in the forefront of business ideas .
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