Example sentences of "that she have " in BNC.

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1 Henry Tyler would not have described her as a happy woman , but afterward he could not say that she had seemed at all unwell .
2 She brought with her in the car anything of mine that she had been able to find in the house ( plus a few things that just reminded her of me ) and they were all dumped in my front hall .
3 Her dreams were so vivid while the poem shimmered on her desk — signed , sealed , undelivered — that she had to catch herself from grabbing Lucy 's hands , kissing her right out in the street , holding her close at the end of each day , saying , come home , darling ; grabbing her and flinging her to the floor , ripping her clothes off , sinking into her breasts , fucking her like a sheet of flame .
4 And Lucy called her in the morning , swept away all doubts with a rush of enthusiasm about the exhibition , and only when they 'd hung up did Jay realise that she had n't given her a date , a time ; that she — they ? — were just where they 'd been five months before .
5 Let Lucy articulate , lay herself on whatever uncomfortable line it was that she had elected to draw .
6 Sometimes she was so brought down by one of his pronouncements that she had to change completely .
7 The fact was that she had achieved something .
8 She wondered whether to say that she had missed him .
9 And she had so perfected this technique of politely disappearing , that she had to live almost half her life before she came to realize that she had almost disappeared to her own self !
10 And she had so perfected this technique of politely disappearing , that she had to live almost half her life before she came to realize that she had almost disappeared to her own self !
11 Sister Margaret Traxler , of the National Coalition of American Nuns , said that she had told Dr Runcie : ‘ The Roman Catholic Church says this is a deterrent to unity ; but we say , how can this be a deterrent to unity when discrimination against women is evil ? ’
12 Not that she would have seen it as any sacrifice that she had neither husband nor child .
13 Nor did she worry overmuch that she had a reputation for being harder on women officers than men .
14 But in the months following the diagnosis , Mrs Henry found that it was not only a life-threatening disease that she had to contend with .
15 Private Eye is appealing against the record £600,000 damages paid to Mrs Sutcliffe after a seven-day trial last May , in which she alleged the magazine had libelled her by claiming in its ‘ Street of Shame ’ column that she had made a £250,000 deal with the Daily Mail for her story after a night of ‘ carousing ’ with the paper 's journalists in a hotel .
16 ‘ Ladies ’ verse' became a phrase of scorn ; anthologies ceased to include any , readers forgot its existence , and Elizabeth Barrett Browning was able to complain that she had no poetic grandmothers .
17 Darcy focuses his own feelings on an Eritrean woman , a ‘ splendid bureaucrat ’ now based in Frankfurt but currently visiting the front line to renew her networks of information , and dreams hazily of a future sexual relationship with her until he discovers that she had once undergone , at the hands of the Dergue , such stomach-churning extremes of physical torture that ‘ my distance from such a height of anguish disqualified me . ’
18 Realising that she had not loved him , Boris then starved himself to death .
19 The agent told Mr Rundle that she had to check his ‘ card rating ’ and put him on hold — to the accompaniment of taped music .
20 An elderly English lady , with a tendency to pre-war propriety , who told me on the Friday that she was afraid it would all be ‘ another load of pretentious American rubbish ’ , said on Sunday that she had learned to open up for the first time in her life .
21 One girl said that she had been unable to breathe , and was only able to do so when she covered her face with a pillow .
22 He had a means of doing this since she was at the time in danger of being disbarred after allegations that she had defrauded a Catholic charity active in Africa .
23 But she also denied knowing Dassac , and the police subsequently discovered that she had had numerous telephone conversations with him and paid him large sums of money under a false name through a Swiss bank account .
24 A UNIFORMED police constable accused of raping a young mother on the front seat of his patrol car claimed yesterday that she had handed him ‘ sex on a plate ’ .
25 The wife of the detained dissident , Sasha Vondra , said yesterday that she had had no news of her husband for three weeks .
26 He told the jurors they should look for corroboration of the 18-year-old woman 's claim that she had been attacked in the officer 's marked police car .
27 I felt sorry that she had George Brown , completely pickled , on the other side of her . ’
28 THE airpass holder who whinged to the Dallas check-in clerk that she had spent all day standing by for a flight out of one of America 's less attractive airports was gently chastised .
29 She was quite attractive except for a very nasty skin condition , her face and arms were covered with a large number of pustules and it was obvious that she had been scratching them ; the scratch-marks were bleeding slightly .
30 ‘ I had this thing in my mind that she had to be in a place where I could get to her and she would be well looked after . ’
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