Example sentences of "that make for " in BNC.

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1 There was a warmth and a charm about him that made for easy relations with most people , even the press , and they helped him build up the confidence that was needed all round .
2 On the negative side , funerals were becoming so much more secular in outlook , appearance and context that the surviving guilds and fraternities found themselves hard-pressed to provide all that made for an average funeral of the new type ; the rules were being rewritten by a public which no longer wished to perpetuate the simple ritual hitherto provided and which were looking for a pageantry close to that of the great baronial funerals as performed by the College of Arms , a corporation of heralds and part of the Royal Household .
3 For the client , the advantage was that he could go direct to those various tradesmen who , collectively , could provide all that made for an average funeral .
4 I think that often it was jealousy — mixed with booze — that made for a lethal cocktail , with Bogie as the stirrer .
5 The model being erected was that made for the Olympia Aero Show in 1929 .
6 As Jim Kantelis , an OUS representative on the team , says : ‘ Members of the group were extremely strong willed and independent types and that made for some very healthy debate . ’
7 The fact that many made inquiries so early in secondment suggests an anxiety about the future that made for insecurity rather than stabilisation .
8 I have mentioned particular examples of qualities that make for high survival value among memes .
9 The cottages were small and damp , with earth floors and none of the cooking or sanitary arrangements that make for domestic comfort .
10 Accepted authorities on the writing of good English prose — the Fowler brothers and Arthur Quiller-Couch — agree on three rules that make for effective writing :
11 Then your detective should have much more of the qualities that make for success in a real police officer , and much less vulnerability to comic events .
12 ‘ Roads , park , dispensary , institute , and so on — a hundred and twenty thousand pounds ; repairs and upkeep , recurring , four thousand … ’ and so on through all the elements that make for the running of a town , ending with the caution that it was ‘ all very round-figurey . ’
13 To have both a family and interesting work means a terrible struggle , and yet I think that those are the things that make for human happiness .
14 ‘ People in Bavaria say it is crazy not to have tall cylindro-conicals in a wholly ultra-modern brewery , ’ says Brombach , ‘ but I think that kind of vessel sets up a convection that makes for dirty beer . ’
15 Far more than incipient political change , it is the random violence that makes for the sense of dread among whites .
16 It is the peculiar human ability to re-organize and re-describe and re-evaluate from novel points of view that makes for the superiority of the consultants over any set of bibliographical instruments , as well as the human ability to recognize a question as misconceived or stupid .
17 The importance of this should never be underestimated : it is a vital ingredient in raising morale , reducing stress , harnessing energy and commitment and in building the teams and teamwork that makes for an effective school .
18 A recent investigation of moorhens is one of the first studies to show exactly what it is that makes for a high quality mate ( Science , vol 220 , p 413 ) .
19 One can hear why Rheinberger was a respected teacher : the compositional technique is well-nigh faultless , there are no surprises , none of the aural wrong-footing that makes for memorability .
20 Five years later it was modified as the Trionic Attak , and some boots were given a ‘ sprung ’ , or slightly curved sole — a simple device that makes for far easier walking , first used in Brasher Boots .
21 The performance , too , often lacks the sort of tension that makes for a live musical experience .
22 It 's er erm a little bit more straightforward a we 're looking straight onto this wall , looking straight onto the steps , and we 're looking straight onto the door , so everything is looking , sort of erm full-faced as it were and I think that makes for a less interesting composition than the previous one .
23 Ad hoc groups like the North-South and Israel/Palestine Working Groups head up different projects with a style that makes for continuity .
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