Example sentences of "that get [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Textiles accounted for just over a third , after a slight increase that got through to profit .
2 Textiles accounted for just over a third , after a slight increase that got through to profit .
3 It was my wee , my wee granddaughter that got through to him .
4 I certainly hope that is the message that got through .
5 In that little crucible of the theatre that story was demonstrated , that here were people of phenomenal talent , with an enormous amount to give , with the tremendous burning desire to express their feelings and their attitudes , and to the enhancement of other people 's lives , and how cruel it was that it was so few that got through .
6 I went into the job feeling confident enough , but the wind that got up for our first day soon knocked that out of me .
7 Just two machines , four people and gradually that got up to a reasonable size er i it grew on the back of companies like , , , manufacturing what I call the coordinated look cos knitwear was utilized for bringing other things together .
8 And I found months and months after that most of the boys that got on there had their fathers work there , who went to the office , or asked the Butties , they used to talk about Butties in the pit , and I found this was short for deputy .
9 The kind of hands that got on with everything — a provider 's hands .
10 RCA had agreed to certain kinds of support that got out of hand .
11 In Carter 's case , this ungainly , elaborate , opulent press conference is their first giant step into the mad , bad world of record company hype — a joke that got out of control — and , after all the fanfare and foreplay , to have them finally sitting there in the middle of a hall in Belgium almost seems like a punchline that is n't very funny .
12 Er in November of last year we actually attended fifty five bonfires that got out of hand .
13 ‘ Bit of nookie that got out of hand ? ’
14 Well yeah , that 's the one that got out .
15 Meanwhile , a self-declared ring-leader , Paul Taylor , shouting from the roof tops , has claimed that it was all just a sit-in protest that got out of control .
16 That can remember the dust and grit of ‘ em , that got down your neck
17 He had no objection to telling him when Adam and Anne were returning : next Tuesday on the Iberian Airlines flight from Tenerife that got in at 1.30 p.m .
18 The er other thing about our crew was that er one time there , I guess after was the only one that got back and they , they had to get him back on flying service .
19 Many teachers and heads felt that getting on in the primary sector required verbal and practical allegiance to certain quite specific canons of ‘ good primary practice ’ , and that anything less , let alone any open challenging of the orthodoxies in question , could damage their professional prospects .
20 It also has serious implications for the professional health of the Authority and its schools , since the belief that getting on is merely a matter of saying and doing what significant others wish to hear and see produces not just disaffection and cynicism but also unthinking conformity and the loss of The professional analysis and debate which are essential to educational progress .
21 Fortunately , someone at Bloomsbury House realised that getting through to Regina depended on making friends with her closest companion .
22 It is interesting to note that getting out of bed is much more hazardous than getting in ; even when 65% of the beds were of the adjustable height variety .
23 The car was so low it looked as if a giant had tried to stub it out and it was clear that getting out of the bucket seat gave the Greek momentary altitude sickness .
24 He has said that he wrote his second novel to say , ‘ Up you , Charlie ! ’ to those who had told him that getting out one book was easy .
25 Cruickshank countered that getting out an developing stronger internal communication has been one of his priorities .
26 The upside is that getting in and out is made simple by the front seats sliding well forwards .
27 The target voters inhabit the Market estate , a council block so cunningly customised to ensure its residents ' safety that getting in is more exacting than gaining entry to a Tory press conference .
28 The IRA had seen to it that getting in and out of the Party conference building was like a rich man confronted with the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven , or , what was worse , like checking-in at Gatwick on an August flight to Marbella .
29 you get these jocks that get up there , big and they think they are so cool and then
30 The current is you can think of it as the amount of water goes through , it 's actually the the current is the amount of electrons that get through in a second .
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