Example sentences of "that have at " in BNC.

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1 In very recent years holy war has been fought between Iran and Iraq , and with a ruthlessness that has at times , with the use of chemical weapons for example , offended international codes of conduct .
2 Douglas Hurd has proved a reassuring figure in a campaign that has at times seemed to lack confidence and direction .
3 ‘ The recognizable direction of social development ’ , she concluded , ‘ has made it clear to me that there is no social class in Poland that has at one and the same time both an interest in , and an ability to achieve , the restoration of Poland ’ .
4 The Royal Commissions and official committees of inquiry have maintained a reticence on such matters that has at times made their recommendations Appear naïve — as if one could consider the reorganisation of Political institutions in isolation from politics !
5 If you are going to be lightly humorous , skimming like a butterfly , then you will be ill served by a plot that is impossibly ingenious or a plot that has at its centre something too grave to be dealt with light-heartedly when , long after you have embarked on the actual writing , the moment comes to reveal all .
6 Avoid scanning photographs if at all possible but if you must then use a scanner that has at least 64 levels of grey and is capable of outputting TIFF format files .
7 Could anything be serious that had at its centre this lovable , rogueish , bumbling figure ( ’ That 's another fine mess you 've got us into , Ollie ’ ) ?
8 In the event , wiser counsels prevailed ; the proposals that had emerged by the summer of 1989 from the subject working parties and the National Curriculum Council were far from being the national syllabuses that had at first seemed likely .
9 Although the Victoria was not an especially large establishment , it backed onto an old warehouse that had at one time been split down the middle and then divided up into a series of small rooms that all opened onto a single long corridor .
10 The United States had entered the Second World War with a very limited overseas basing system , but by the close of the war had acquired a massive global basing network ‘ derived from a combination of conquests , agreements with allies , and temporary arrangements with neutrals and exile regimes that had at least the potential for post-war renewal and extension ’ .
11 However , as the torchlight danced ahead she gradually lost the worst of the fears that had at first threatened to turn her into a quivering jelly .
12 Well I do n't I said , I said I 'll take it , but I said that I really do n't , I mean I said it 's really , I said I 've explained very carefully it 's Iris who had all that yes , ah , but here 's a script , so you see , that had at least got through
13 Beetles that have at least a portion of the adult population overwintering , carry some Laboulbeniales through the winter ; when the new adults emerge , the old , infected ones are ready to carry the infection to them .
14 Hundreds of thousands of Mozambicans have escaped the grip of hunger thanks to the ceasefire , which took hold last November , and to the good rains that have at last broken a severe drought .
15 This has been founded on a set of shared ideas that have at least until recently constituted the ruling ideology ( in both legal and political circles ) , at any rate on matters of sentencing policy .
16 A radical new approach to solar energy may come from biotechnology — a broad class of systems that have at their core photosynthetic and biological energy conversion processes .
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