Example sentences of "that be at " in BNC.

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1 They are forces which are spreading wealth faster than at any time in human history and in one 's political approach I think you either are an enthusiast anxious to embrace the forces that are at work or you are a sceptic , perhaps inclined to resist them , hoping that you can frustrate them .
2 ‘ So , given that I have a political opportunity , I tend to become an enthusiast harnessing the forces that are at work , trying to get the best out of them , trying to use them for the political purposes that I believe in .
3 This allows a comparison to be made between markets in countries that are at a different stage in their development , but it is assumed that their development will follow a similar pattern .
4 The world is changing fast and it is the ideas of CND and the peace movement that are at the forefront of change .
5 It is the qualification rules — the lack of them , that is — that are at fault and New Zealand are no worse than several other countries , including the Home Unions , in allowing , in the absence of directives , expediency to govern selection .
6 Vickery ( 1973 ) argues that it is only the latter , based on knowledge and skills that are at an advanced level rather than merely different , that should qualify as specialization .
7 Those that are at the sharp end of developments should get immediate feedback when criticisms arise but the relaying of complaints ought not to be an exercise in apportionment of blame .
8 But these people are now citizens of Arab states that are at war with Israel and they can not claim possession of this land .
9 However , most children have two living parents and it is the rights and obligations of both parents that are at the heart of much of the current debate — particularly that surrounding divorce and the associated issues of maintenance , custody and access .
10 Photographs and illustrations Wherever possible , include a picture of the building or group of buildings that are at risk .
11 Of course there is no possible denying our need for people so educated that they may fill the jobs that are at present unfilled , or offered to people from other countries , because of our own shortage of skilled and competent technologists .
12 This kind of administrative structure may be regarded as likely to lead to the implementation of policies that are at variance with those favoured by elected local councils .
13 Specifically , present defence thinking may be based on a too-narrow paradigm of deterrence theory , and a set of assumptions about the world that are at best highly questionable , at worst lunatic .
14 Various reasons are suggested to explain the resurgence in recent years but the weight of opinion is that it is operational problems that are at fault rather than technical deficiencies — for example , poor application of the insecticide rather than resistance to it and organisational shortcomings rather than aberrant behaviour of vectors .
15 If you are leaving the area do not forget to pick up any clothes that are at the cleaners , or shoes , clocks , or other items that are away being mended .
16 It is often possible to effect change by apparently recommending the continuation or intensification of interactions that are at the root of family problems .
17 In place of a priori demonstration , we have transcendental investigation of the conditions for argumentatively redeeming validity claims that are at least implicitly related to discursive vindication .
18 And herein , of course , lies one of the ruder ironies of the Pacific : that among all this economic vibrancy and dynamism there are still the familiar evils we currently associate only with Africa , or with countries that are at war : illiteracy , hunger , a vertiginous growth of population , disease , overcrowding , slums .
19 Like Hodge , Seller takes the view that women who uncritically adopt philosophical conceptions of knowledge may find themselves saddled with consequences that are at odds with their perceptions of the world and their politics .
20 The only other conditional jump instructions based on arithmetic tests that are at all common are ( a ) Jump if the contents of a specified store location is zero , usually forming part of an " increment and jump if zero " instruction ( see 3.3 ) .
21 It can certainly provide help with specific difficulties such as sustaining different activities for groups that are at opposite ends of the ability range .
22 This shows that it is still possible to produce a useful and innovative medicine without the huge financial and technical resources that are at the disposal of the multinational corporations .
23 With record repossession figures , house prices that are at best static , and interest rates still uncomfortably high , the property-owning democracy is going through a rough period .
24 Even the Southampton example pales into relative financial insignificance compared with the huge sums that are at stake in the sale of the Scottish Bus Group companies .
25 In a society where there is a hegemonic bourgeois culture pervading all sectors , including that of education , it is essential that the ideals of critical , open-ended analyses that are at the core of the liberal approach , are upheld .
26 In the developing countries of highest infant mortality , children born to teenage mothers are least likely to survive , but in the countries with lower mortality , it is the children born to women aged 40 and over that are at greatest risk of dying in infancy and early childhood .
27 The list below names employees that are at present being transferred and whose details are required as soon as possible .
28 But whether you scrap all the platforms that are at present built in the north sea 's another thing all together .
29 We must address the social ills that are at the root of much crime ; we must take action to divert young people into more positive ways of using their time and lives ; we need the sort of common-sense and long-term commitment shown by my right hon. Friend the Member for Birmingham , Sparkbrook ( Mr. Hattersley ) and his team .
30 In the second phase , small studies will be undertaken in a number of local authorities to assess the extent to which socio-economic factors account for variations in the rates of children in care in ‘ similar ’ authorities or for patterns of care that are at marked variance with national trends .
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