Example sentences of "with few [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was heading for a desolate inland area in the north-east , a region without large cities and with few towns , a flat endless landscape of black earth , dotted with primitive cottages made of sods of turf and sticks .
2 The harshness of those living-conditions , with the special emphasis on working-class housewives having to feed , clothe and generally look after a large family , was reflected by the lower standards of living , the deprivations all around , widespread poverty , with few families ever having experienced the beneficial effects of a holiday in the country or at the sea-side .
3 The problems of physical shortages and the volume of highly liquid financial assets accumulated during the war ( high incomes during the war period , with few goods and services to be bought , led to high savings ) probably meant that attempts to regulate the economy by monetary means would have failed .
4 receiving secondary education was checked by the presence of a divisive system of private education with few parallels in other countries .
5 The surrounding volcanic cones are gently sloping with few gullies to the south , but increasingly steep and heavily gullied towards the north .
6 While some checklists may simply identify a list of ‘ useful linguistic skills ’ which may serve as a selection menu with few constraints on the sequence in which separate items are taught , those which are based on a developmental sequence place strong constraints on the selection of teaching objectives .
7 With few differences , this pattern was repeated throughout Europe .
8 ‘ Post-war buildings have a relatively thin structure with few columns and lots of windows , ’ he said .
9 The other is dominated by workers with few skills , other than their willingness to work the hours required by their employers .
10 These are those who have been unemployed longest , and generally speaking are very young claimants with few skills , or older workers who , by the length of this unemployment , have been de-skilled .
11 Organisational structures are simple with few layers and few people in senior executive positions .
12 A wealthy lifestyle is likely to be reflected in a site yielding many finds of high quality ; sites with few finds of a consistently poor quality suggest a relatively low standard of living .
13 It is a seeking rather than a finding , and it ends with few certitudes .
14 It is a piece with few reasons to be a film , and mercifully few pretensions to cinematic status .
15 He speaks softly and very reflectively , with few flights of passion .
16 For anyone with few possessions who chose to contract a variety of debts , said Lord Althorp in a Commons debate in February 1820 on a Bill that would refine the 1813 legislation , it would only be ‘ a slight visitation ’ to have to surrender them to his creditors .
17 Thesiger 's life in Kenya is spartan with few possessions , but many memories of life with Marsh Arabs and Bedu nomads , memories he 's delighted to share with Oxford .
18 This technique can , however , give very good results if the low order digits of the key are consecutive integers with few gaps .
19 The development officers clearly fulfilled the objectives established for them : they assessed their clients ’ needs , negotiated with other service-providers to obtain increased support from existing sources , they recruited local support workers for all clients whom they assessed as needing enhanced care ; this enhanced support was obtained quickly and with few difficulties , and clearly several very dependent clients were sustained at home as a result of this care .
20 For example , a pupil who is mastering literacy and numeracy with few difficulties will spend a considerable amount of time in the ordinary classroom , but another may need a good deal of specialised help and be at a stage of going to only one or two lessons daily in the fully integrated situation .
21 There are flourishing schools which reflect the growing affluence and improved living conditions of a portion of the population , but there are other schools which are little more than shells , with few materials and facilities .
22 Barron and Norris ( 1976 ) suggest that the labour market is divided into two segments — a primary sector which provides skilled , secure work at good levels of pay which is reached by long promotion ladders , and a secondary sector characterized by unskilled , insecure work with few promotion prospects and low levels of pay ( see figure 4.6 ) .
23 The book is reasonably priced and generally well written , with few errors .
24 Whatever Aachen may have been in the past , it has settled down now to being a prosperous commercial town with few pretensions .
25 It is an Accrington brick-built town with few pretensions and it no doubt contributed to saving Gedge from a terminal dose of wetness .
26 The genus as a whole shares its virtuous qualities with few others in the marine aquarium hobby .
27 Cathedrals and churches tend to be large , with lofty nave , choir and transepts , but with few projections such as porches , portals or buttresses .
28 It is a society with few sanctuaries when protectors turn upon you .
29 In all residential areas , safety is at its lowest in long straight streets , in streets with many junctions and those with few play facilities .
30 It also seems that it might be helpful if teachers were aware of those among their pupils with particularly unsupportive home lives , that is , with few sources outside school from which they might derive a sense of their own value .
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