Example sentences of "with a different " in BNC.

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1 Latterday Marxist interpreters of Shakespeare are doing much the same as the conservative proponents of the Elizabethan World Picture did thirty or forty years ago , though with a different conceptual model .
2 Larry Birns , director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs , quoting US government sources , said ‘ the United States was conspiring with a different and more senior group of conspirators ’ .
3 At this level of causation the outcome with a different personality at No. 10 would have been different ; but is that historical reality ?
4 Yet it is interesting to read another speech , reluctantly dropped very late in the play 's completion , which both showed Christianity in some ways working with the savage world , and looked back with a different point of view to the earlier worship of a human god in the unpublished ‘ Exequy ’ poem in the Waste Land manuscripts .
5 The strange thing was that he spoke to everybody with a different accent .
6 Meanwhile , in 1942 another committee was at work on Britain 's postwar civil aviation policy , but with a different focus : the aircraft themselves .
7 For Eccleshall , Oakeshottians and other imperfectionist-minded Conservatives fail to acknowledge their point of contact with a different strain of Conservatism , namely the common conception of authority .
8 We saw Mitsubishi 's Sigma — albeit with a different roofline and a Diamante badge — last year in Tokyo , but Paris was the ‘ Europeanised ’ version 's EC debut and the only other new production car here .
9 On the 1988 session Camilo 's luxuriant piano plays with a different trio on each side , both displaying an absorption in the past without a hint of scholasticism .
10 In each one she had an affair with a different man .
11 She was turning into a different person with a different face .
12 In France , which has more than 200 registered organic producers ( over half the world 's total ) , there are 16 associations , each with a different set of rules .
13 A child is a person , but a person with a different developmental time-scale that should not be jeopardized by ponderous , Dickensian proceedings .
14 In such cases it may be possible to induce cometabolism of the target compound , with a different , related compound simultaneously being metabolised .
15 It is not only concerned with a different method of allocation .
16 Then it was a different sort of regiment because it was dealing with a different sort of enemy .
17 Jurassic reef coral , Stylina alveolata This massive coral is now composed of calcite It has been recrystallized , because in life it was composed of the mineral aragonite — chemically the same as calcite , but with a different crystal structure .
18 This second study differed only in that during initial training the subjects received conditioning trials with a different stimulus ( a light ) in the context that was to be used for the test .
19 Rats were given repeated exposure to presentations of a light in context A and were also familiarized with a different context ( B ) in which no stimuli were presented .
20 In the Gagné and Baker task , the subjects had to learn to respond with a particular letter of the alphabet when a light of a given colour in a given position was presented ; there were four different lights , each to be associated with a different letter .
21 Typically the various stimuli are presented concurrently , each associated with a different outcome or requiring a different response .
22 The result of Fig. 5.4 show , especially for the manual-response case , that generalization from the light CS ( conditioned stimulus ) occurs more readily to the same-response tone than to the tone pre-trained with a different response .
23 The correlated procedure allows each sample ( or conditional ) cue to become associated with a different outcome .
24 Although Lawrence 's original ( 1949 ) experiment has not been replicated exactly , the work of his successors ( conducted both with animal subjects and with humans ) has confirmed the validity of his central contention — discrimination training , in which each of a pair of cues becomes associated with a different outcome , enhances performance on a further discriminative task involving the same cues .
25 In acquired distinctiveness training , subjects experience target stimulus A , along with one outcome , X , and target stimulus B along with a different outcome , Y ( Fig. 5.10 ) .
26 In experiments using the within-subjects designs of fig. 5.3 or of Table 5.1 ( e.g. Grice 1965 ; Reese 1972 ; Honey and Hall 1989c experiment 3 ) , initial training involves three stimuli , two , A and B , being treated in the same way and the third , C , being associated with a different outcome .
27 There were four conductors in charge of this group with a different conductor planning , organising and leading each session .
28 In 1982 there were sixteen forestry/conservation projects and conservation elements in six integrated rural development projects ( each with a different donor agency ) .
29 By using automatic equipment that can serve several installations with a different programme for each if necessary .
30 Lewes drove them hard , but when not training he was wrestling with a different problem .
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