Example sentences of "with a good " in BNC.

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1 Berowne confesses to his love for Rosaline , with a good deal of witty , self mockery .
2 Bring pot-grown chrysanthemums into the greenhouse by mid-September and spray plants with a good combined fungicide and insecticide .
3 But they have proved that with a good plan , persistence and a lot of hard work even a very steep slope can be transformed into a tremendous garden .
4 Start with a good plan .
5 In these violent thermals it is possible to be flying with a good margin of speed at one moment and to be falling with virtually no speed the next .
6 This closes the opponent off and presents you with a good opportunity to continue the block into the opponent 's face .
7 I believe that the original Arbortech Woodcarver was one of the most dynamic inventions for woodworkers of recent time , offering fast cutting with a good finish and potential for fine detailing .
8 A simple piece of apparatus ( fig.8 ) is required to work the bevel accurately and with a good finish .
9 With a good harvest in prospect and cider sales expected to stay steady the Hereford firm looks set fair to face any new challenges from Taunton and Showerings .
10 As an academic critic and university teacher specializing in modern literature and literary theory , I spend much or my time these days reading books and articles that I can barely understand and that cause my wife ( a graduate with a good honours degree in English language and literature ) to utter loud cries of pain and nausea if her eye happens to fall on them .
11 Ware was a shy man , given to covering his shyness with a good deal of banter .
12 I returned with some spectacularly horrible photos of the country 's many problems but also with a good many showing Czechoslovakia 's stunning beauty .
13 Only people with a good driving record may drive a contract hire car , and any driving conviction ( other than for parking ) must be reported to the insurance company .
14 He had an archbishop , Fisher , with a good judgement of men and with a lot of information about them .
15 But with a good accountant , it could make the difference between you , the pop star , being rich and famous , or just famous .
16 I spent the first eighteen months working in all the factory departments , so I started with a good knowledge of precisely how the product was made and did all the jobs that then existed in the production of confectionery .
17 Always be sure to start the day with a good breakfast
18 ‘ Speaking of which , ’ Herr Nordern , while quite happy to lounge back with a good cigar and a glass of whisky , was also ready for his meal .
19 For someone with a good reading knowledge of German and Anglo-Saxon , the coguate tongue of Norse offered few difficulties .
20 After moisturising , disguise thread veins , blemishes and dark circles under the eyes with a good concealer .
21 A Shiraz with a good pile is priced at £760 .
22 For my twentieth century British Design retrospective exhibition , he lent me , with a good deal of fussing and commotion , his last remaining ‘ Heartsease ’ cup and saucer , a Wedgwood design of the early 1950s .
23 There were two jangling mistakes from Horner giving away early penalty points to Soutter , and after only 11 minutes the former champion had pocketed the first game with a good backhand drop from a short ball .
24 Edmunds , a colourful confection well danced , agreeably sung , and with a good lot of laughs from Alan Wells 's Dame and Neil James 's Simple Simon .
25 The Alpine forecast from the Manchester Weather Centre is to become colder on the weekend with a good chance of substantial snowfalls .
26 No effort is being spared to ensure that the 1,400 journalists and hundreds of European officials who are expected to invade the capital for the June summit depart with a good impression of Irish hospitality .
27 In trials last summer , two newer varieties — Carpet Mixed and Joy Mixed — formed more even plants with a good mixture of colours .
28 My impression was that since it was to be held in London , Angela was doing the work , with a good deal of help from colleagues at Yeo Davis .
29 Today 's wave of experiments has no such rulebook : anybody with a good idea can try it out , and perhaps strike gold .
30 On paper , L* looks just the ticket for the SSC — an ambitious experiment with a good pedigree , run by a famous physicist with an international set of collaborators .
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