Example sentences of "with [noun pl] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 From here they must await their wave , drop into it , and be swept beneath the overhang into the cave where they grope around in total darkness filling their bags with birds ' nests .
2 In the case of birds , we know that meaningful clusters will be associated with birds ' life styles .
3 As with widows ' payment , receipt is dependent on sufficient NI contributions having been paid .
4 Once a widow reaches age 60 , she has the choice of claiming retirement pension or of continuing with widows ' pension ( until 65 , when she no longer has a choice and will receive retirement pension ) .
5 Our photo shows CCG Chairman Frank Bell with Returns ' Supervisor Mrs Isabelle Lawson on the occasion of her retirement .
6 But then most teams are not lumbered with Spurs ' defence .
7 But it was always an open contest , with Spurs ' determinedly creative football making chances , and the home lead lasted only two minutes , Gary Lineker setting up Paul Allen .
8 The time devoted to this first rehearsal depends on the budget allowed for the show , with Musicians ' Union rates prevailing .
9 Comparing the estimates with merchants ' prices should be interesting .
10 Execution of the partnership agreement as a deed is only required when , and this will rarely be the case with solicitors ' firms , it seeks to transfer land or an interest in land : otherwise an agreement under hand will be sufficient .
11 The passengers share their ride with holiday-makers ' bicycles , fresh vegetables , or miscellaneous freight of all shapes and sizes .
12 Another publication which may be of help with artists ' methods and materials , is ‘ Artists ’ Materials , Which , Why and How ’ , published by A&C Black .
13 This question has often been answered with artists ' impressions , but never with direct measurements .
14 But , as a good non-executive director will know , sometimes the best thing to do with shareholders ' money is give it back .
15 Interest charges remained virtually unchanged at £0.58m , and with shareholders ' funds at £18.48m ( 1990 — £18.25m ) and borrowings of £0.59m ( 1990 — £0.39m ) gearing was held at 3% .
16 Many wore jewelled , gilded coronets fringed with lions ' manes .
17 One of the other important factors which helped Hastings attain the most distinguished accolade in British rugby was his relationship with Lions ' coach Ian McGeechan .
18 Apart from a cinema , there were no real forms of entertainment ; mixing with Servicemen 's wives would have been one of the few ways of passing the days .
19 In many of the prisons , CAB sessions are geared to deal with prisoners ' pre-release anxieties and to explain how the CAB on the outside will be able to help them when they are released .
20 Then there is the work with prisoners ' wives who naturally shy away from publicity .
21 There were shallow baskets lined with grasses stacked with ducks ' , hens ' and gulls ' eggs — white , brown and blue .
22 The cooked babas are hollowed out , filled with confectioners ' custard , sugared , gratinés in the oven , chilled in the refrigerator , and ultimately served with a coulis of raspberries or caramelised peaches .
23 The old soldier is best on home ground and there are some vivid illustrations of what to do with muggers ' testicles .
24 Well I mean you know we 're not playing children 's ganging up games are we we know we 're dealing with peoples ' lives and families .
25 Graeme has returned to New Zealand after a season with Academicals ' Edinburgh namesakes .
26 He remained with the Casuals as an administrator , successively secretary , chairman and a vice-president , and during this time did much to foster the club 's strong involvement with schools ' soccer .
27 Compacts however have certain expectations of participating organisations : a ) they should provide good Work Experience places , and allow students to make wide-ranging investigations which will include questions concerning trade unions ; b ) they should offer permanent jobs with good quality training and prospects ; c ) they should , as far as possible , co-operate with schools ' requests for curriculum and in-service training support .
28 " Meanings " are neither equated with speakers ' intentions , nor with recipients ' interpretations ; both are looked on as mental entities which are of little interest as long as they do not " materialize " in interaction .
29 Myles looks like a kid Joe Strummer , guitar replaced by his low-slung bass , while singer Loz twists his guitar round stiffly , dealing with songs ' tricky arrangements .
30 More than 85% of those questioned say they think stores should have freephone numbers to deal with shoppers ' enquiries .
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