Example sentences of "with [art] other " in BNC.

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1 In 1928 , these schools entered the system of maintained schools , whereby , in exchange for full payment of current costs and 65 per cent of capital expenditure , the former owners and managers , usually churches , were allowed two-thirds representation on the local board of management , with the other third coming from the local authority .
2 With the other blade facing upward . ’
3 ‘ There are a few details I want to clear up with the other girls , ’ she told me .
4 As well as taking up good growing space , they compete with the other plants for light , moisture and nutrients .
5 Although their rooting system did n't interfere with the other crops , the 18in-tall vines cast too heavy a shadow on the plants below .
6 A heavy contact to the opponent 's face may not merit just a verbal warning ; after consultation with the other members of the panel , the referee can go directly to a full point penalty or even a disqualification .
7 If you do n't succeed in lifting the foot , then simply knock it outwards with your rear guard hand while punching with the other hand .
8 Drop under the opponent 's high punch , blocking high on his arm with rising block whilst reverse-punching strongly with the other
9 That afternoon Susan sat in the lounge with the other people .
10 With the clamping blocks , join the leg frames with the other rails forming two half hexagons .
11 Each grouping has to be correctly aligned with the other whether it precedes , balances or follows another .
12 Repeat the whole exercise with the other half of the original length of wire until the entire core is filled .
13 Remove Marxism — as the Hungarians have done this weekend — and the pressures to pull down the artificial barriers with the other freer , richer , and more appealing Germany , would become irresistible .
14 But the blank horror over Khmer Rouge atrocities between 1975 and 1978 has created a blind spot about its strength in Cambodia , and the growing likelihood that it will return to power , either on its own or with the other Cambodian opposition factions .
15 Meanwhile Jackson himself , a gangly six foot four , with a hairline not so much receding as speeding flat out towards his neck , was easily slotted in with the other unlikely pop stars , taking their surly revenge on the conventional way of doing things .
16 That will be a considerable relief to Mr Bond , who could in certain circumstances have seen his entire 35 per cent stake in BSB placed with the other equity participants , which include Granada , Pearson , Reed International and Chargeurs of France .
17 This will make them the first and fifth most visited attractions in the world , with the other three being existing Disney sites .
18 We met one of the Medics who informed me that the bodies of Les and the other three Commandos had been taken through the village and laid out with the other dead in front of the Chateau .
19 No doubt they would return and place him with the other Commando dead in neat rows in front of the Chateau to await burial .
20 After a quick wash and shave , dressed in a freshly pressed kilt and battledress blouse , polished boots and all , I presented myself with the other Commandos at the orderly room to get my hands on that very important rail pass .
21 He could compensate for his low official pay by means of the strings he could pull in conjunction with the other few rich peasants in the commune .
22 And via a now explicit association with anality , especially sodomy , homosexuality becomes a paradigm of sterility and solipsism , while heterosexuality is regarded as the way back to a dynamic , creative encounter with the other : in the woman the man embraces ‘ all that is not himself ’ and from that embrace ‘ comes every new action ’ ( quoted in Delany , Nightmare , 79 ) .
23 We did n't have time to play on the beach or in the streets with the other kids .
24 The early start enabled A Company to carry out some drill and take part in the parade rehearsal with the other AMF(L) units .
25 She was popular with the other girls at West Heath and enjoyed her years there , but she was never very promising academically , and her reading was almost entirely limited to Barbara Cartland romantic novels .
26 With the other thumb pad make tiny circles from the top of the arch to the inner edge of the heel .
27 In a step-by-step assault on the softly-softly approach to Europe being peddled by Downing Street , the former Conservative cabinet minister also made it clear that Mrs Thatcher 's hard-line opposition to the concept of monetary union with the other 11 EC nations was jeopardising the chances of London becoming the base for a European central bank .
28 The BBC itself , via its Enterprises section , rescued the day by coming up with the other half of a total £450,000 budget .
29 Now Sky , with promised aggressive coverage , can put it back on an equal footing with the other competitions , although a more compelling argument for reviving the Sunday afternoon walk in the country it is hard to imagine .
30 Now Sky , with promised aggressive coverage , can put it back on an equal footing with the other competitions , although a more compelling argument for reviving the Sunday afternoon walk in the country it is hard to imagine .
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