Example sentences of "you have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is a well-established form of parasitism , resting on bits of biblical dogma such as ‘ the poor always ye have with you ’ ( John , xii.8 ) .
2 ‘ Sure , the one ye have in yer hand . ’
3 Not , I admit , the kind of explosives you have down there but we know enough not to trigger a bomb by accident . ’
4 Do not forget the significance of any shares that you hold in the company or any rights that you have under a share incentive scheme .
5 What and how much you feel able to say to your lover about safer sex depends on the degree of control you have over your relationship .
6 I 'm also changing the Description to read ‘ NATO — The great Hack ’ — I show you this trick only to emphasize the control you have over Windows ; not so you can sneak onto a friend 's PC and swap all their icons around !
7 The control you have over the video " text " gives you the flexibility to use it in the way that best suits your particular purpose at any particular time .
8 We are fortunate inbeing able to use the video camera at training weekends and once you have over come the shock of seeing yourself , most students find it a valuable addition to their training .
9 ‘ Perhaps you have without realising it .
10 You have during the year , er , both through this Committee , and through Resources and Management sub-committee , agreed expenditure of seven hundred and seventeen thousand from that contingency .
11 If you start writing down some of the responses to that question , you will find you have along the way acquired a ragbag of elements that will have an important bearing on the design .
12 What is this love/hate relationship you have with Englishness ?
13 But you also use the time you have with your orchestra to help them approach this state , too .
14 You will find that the more confident you become , the more you will be able to enjoy the different relationships you have with those around you — and the happier you will be .
15 ‘ Withdrawal ’ for the purpose of the Conditions includes a withdrawal by way of funds transfer either to any other account you have with us or to the account of any other person or body ( with us or otherwise ) .
16 Whether they talk to you or to someone else may depend on the kind of relationship you have with them , as well as the stage which they are at .
17 I did n't tell you this , for if you loved Zacco it might make you dislike him ; or change the dealings you have with his mother .
18 With a tripod you lose the freedom of camera mobility which you have with a hand-held camera , and if you decide to dispense with a tripod , a position at 3 m ( 10 ft ) or so from the subjects will allow you to work the zoom from wide angle down to midrange for close-ups .
19 Read the small print of any agreement you have with an agency , and be honest with agency staff about your dilemma .
20 If the sex you have with women avoids blood or vaginal fluid getting into your bloodstream , or vice versa , then you will already be practising safer sex .
21 Or are you itching to try out this experimental laser gun you have with you ? ’
22 Your Import Licence should be dated and the number of fish you have with you needs to be noted .
23 The sort of relationship you will be seeking to establish is rather like the one you have with good business colleagues .
24 This is the person with the suit — the one you will see most of and who will be present at nearly every meeting you have with the agency , the one whose job it is to look after your interests within the agency , and to look after the agency 's interests in dealing with you .
25 Wherever you are — at the top of the building , at the bottom , or in between — what you have with you looks its normal size .
26 ‘ I can see already what a fine relationship you have with the other boys .
27 ‘ Sex is what you have with me , whereas it 's merely one aspect of your emotional involvement with Florian Jones .
28 Bill has no idea how long you have with AIDS , and he ca n't think who to ask .
29 the sort of contracts you would , you know , I mean , you , you have with producers anyway managements
30 And you know it , it 's amazing how since my involvement for the last two years in Great Britain , all the problems that you have with critical illness , all the problems .
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