Example sentences of "you and the " in BNC.

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1 There must be some affinity between you and the man or woman on the printed page — something that you recognise not because you are ‘ just like that ’ but because you feel that you can interpret the situation with those words .
2 Keep the rudder where it is and allow the speed to increase a few knots so that both you and the student can observe the exact position of the rudder pedals .
3 This is a private arrangement between you and the parents , though you may find that childminders in your area have agreed a uniform rate .
4 It 's important for you and the child 's parents to work together as much as possible .
5 If you and the opponent land scoring techniques on each other at precisely the same time , then neither score will be given .
6 There is no contract between you and the valuer .
7 This soon becomes path , bending left in front of caravan site and crossing edge of field before running close to cliff ( there is always a fence between you and the edge ) .
8 After only half an hour we can tack left and right — a must in general , as going downwind puts the canopy between you and the way ahead giving you no chance of avoiding rocks and ruts — so that we can move almost anywhere in an arc that is up to 45 degrees on either side of the wind .
9 On two sides there were offices for the management and they can watch you and the supervisor or foreman can watch you as well .
10 It told him to have nothing more to do with them : ‘ We have reached this decision as a result of the meeting with you and the police this morning . ’
11 That was great and started a whole year of being in America for me , which was seeing David as a major star and also for myself , experiencing life as it should be as a major star , with your cars and people looking after you and the record company being polite to you rather than treating you like shit and not working .
12 ‘ The good ones do n't have time for long drunken lunches , and you get better results by getting them to give you and the client a sandwich in a bar at six p.m .
13 You and Osman , you and the Fry , though you have told me of your perfect freedom and exchange of ideas etc. were never freer than Edward and I. Sometimes I wonder that I can speak to him as I do , never before having known a boy , and having only you at times to ‘ let out , on .
14 You and the Corporation have been telling us to purchase from our new subsidiaries in Taiwan , Korea , Singapore and even from Japan , for God 's sake .
15 The declared results remind us more readily of the spoiled world of Genesis 3 than those of Genesis 1 or 2 : ‘ The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth , and upon every bird of the air , upon everything that creeps on the ground , and all fish of the sea ’ ( 9.2 ) .
16 Between you and the dogs and that stupid bitch you 're married to , he 's frightened to death most of the time . ’
17 You and the venue manager need to make the arrangements together .
18 Are they seen as disloyal and personal attacks on you and the school , or are they seen as growth points for development and marketing ?
19 He forced me into an action which has disgraced me and my son as he has disgraced you and the clan .
20 You and the patient may be anxious for him to be independent , but he should not try to move about or do things alone before he is ready .
21 It is also important that the physiotherapist should explain each part of the rehabilitation process to you the carer , teach you how you can help , and guide both you and the patient through each stage ( and any setbacks ) .
22 The whole programme is a 24-hour-a-day rehabilitation concept , so it is vital that you understand what you and the patient should and should not be doing .
23 If you turn your head seawards as you drive along the Kam Highway , you will find a ribbon of water-gazers between you and the sea .
24 Thus you and the employee may jointly search for standards which are mutually acceptable which do not lead to hours of argument about whether or not they have been achieved .
25 Step 2 List the points that you and the other party will most likely raise about this issue .
26 Step 3 For each point state the most likely settlement that you and the other party will try to achieve .
27 There may be a variety of ground rules or conventions to which you and the other party must adhere during the negotiation .
28 The contracts are the written agreements between you and the seller — setting the price , terms and date for the property to change hands ( completion date ) .
29 Miss You and the haunting Leisure and the particular highlights while Wanting reminded me a little of the Beatles Helter Skelter ( though I do n't remember it first time round , of course ) with its screaming guitars and music style .
30 An effective method of appraisal will benefit both you and the business .
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