Example sentences of "that [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Peter Letley , finance director , said he hoped that 500 of the firm 's 800 staff would be able to resume normal working today at James Capel House in Bevis Marks .
2 Exports of the bird have increased sharply in recent years ; last year it is estimated that 500 of the remaining 2,000 birds were exported from Indonesia , while 200 more died in an Indonesian export house .
3 After every fight , he says , he thinks about retirement and he intends to give it more consideration that usual in the New Year , vowing that when he quits he 'll do so as world champion .
4 The whole essence of Conservative Party that 's put before the Environment Committee today and I remind us that it was only in a very short few months ago that this Council might be at cuts of up to twenty million pounds in order that low in the very country .
5 The Imperial Air Cruising Company said that due to ‘ the troubles in the Soviet Union and China ’ , the holidays — which cost up to £7,000 each - would start next year .
6 The central authorities , late as usual , grasped this detail of local life by 1924 , when Krupskaia at the Thirteenth Party Congress noted that due to the tightening of the economic ‘ scissors ’ , the higher bread prices could no longer be afforded by starving village-teachers .
7 Both mechanisms — that due to the clock and that due to the environment — are required by a living organism , and our previous discussion of the roles of the environment , as an external cause of a rhythm as well as a Zeitgeber giving time-cues to adjust the body clock , shows how intimate their combination is under normal circumstances .
8 Both mechanisms — that due to the clock and that due to the environment — are required by a living organism , and our previous discussion of the roles of the environment , as an external cause of a rhythm as well as a Zeitgeber giving time-cues to adjust the body clock , shows how intimate their combination is under normal circumstances .
9 Unravelling this startling turn of events it transpired that due to the vagaries of the recording mechanism of answering machines my original message had sounded like ‘ died ’ not ‘ resigned ’ .
10 Captain Roskill records that due to error there was no effective naval cover for the operation and German E boats succeeded in sinking two landing ships and damaging a third .
11 He recorded over 200 baptisms , including those of Lawyer and Rotten Belly , though some whispered that due to his failing eyesight he baptised certain individuals more than once .
12 However , even in the present stage of battery technology and without recourse to any of the many new battery types under test at present it is estimated that due to the preponderance of short trips ( this is in an industrialised country equivalent in size to the UK ) 70% of present fuel consumption in cars could be substituted by use of battery vehicles .
13 We need to ask ourselves how LEA advisers should be spending their increased time in schools , bearing in mind that due to the ratio of schools to inspectors , the time spent in any one school will still not be generous .
14 The magazine carried an article which announced that due to the high cost of electricity , there was a large growth in membership of specialist goldfish societies , as fishkeepers deserted their tropical tanks , in a bid to cut down their electricity bills .
15 Now I 've achieved the length , I want to have a perm for my wedding in two month 's time , only to find that due to the Henna , my hair wo n't take a perm .
16 Further , assume that due to technological improvement workers can now produce twice as much .
17 At the end of week six , I had a medical interview where it was decided that due to hurricane Gilbert there was no medical facility adequate for my medical needs ; I 'm asthmatic .
18 Tony also told SRN that due to the enormous success of these courses , 4498 ‘ Sir Nigel Gresley ’ will be visiting the BRM during March and early April next year , followed by 35005 ‘ Canadian Pacific ’ in April and May .
19 I am afraid that due to limited time available I do not have time to write your articles for you .
20 However , it is believed that due to remarks made about ‘ A ’ Flight 's flying capabilities in the Officers ' Mess on the night before the Air Officer Commanding 's ( AOC 'd ) Annual Inspection , this happened the next day .
21 Gram negative endocarditis is exceptionally rare and certainly does not include that due to Streptococcus faecalis , which is a Gram positive organism correctly called Enterococcus faecalis .
22 Yet we have seen that due to the dispersion of shareholding in the large public company they have no incentive to inform themselves of the actions of their managers or to seek a remedy against them .
23 Please note that due to the very individuality of these properties , information printed on other pages of the brochure does not apply .
24 The canonical form is not unique ; the best-known form is that due to Smith ( see Ref. ( 1 ) ) .
25 At any given time , you may find that due to popularity , low category rugs are relatively expensive , while more valuable items are proving harder to sell , or vice versa .
26 It appears that due to the history and cultural values of Japan , it is easier for the Japanese to suppress their ‘ egos ’ , focusing instead on the greater good .
27 It appears that due to delays in the Attorney-General 's department the matter was not processed immediately .
28 If you feel that due to your own income , you will find difficulty in paying the charge , make application for Poll Tax benefit to us now .
29 The difficulties for employment , are that due to the drop in the birth rate in 64–77 the number of school leavers has dropped — 5.7 million in 1991 compared with 6.2 million in 1986 , with a projected drop to 4.9 million by 1996 .
30 In the limiting case where ( i.e. , a 100 per cent tax on bequests ) , the inequality is that due to the variation in the income of the current generation ( and var[Β] ) , moderated by saving ( if ) .
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