Example sentences of "that [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They said that Kabir the weaver was favoured of God , and the crowds flocked round him for medicines and miracles .
2 Via the half-reliable morsels of intelligence that pass from continent to continent along this jungle-drummed , smoke-signalled messageway , it appeared that William the Choco of Santa Fé in Darién was possessed of an unusual link with a great historical moment .
3 The only two dates I have ever been able to remember are the date of my birth and 1066 , the year that William the Conqueror first visited England .
4 It is here that William the Conqueror is said to have bribed two friars to help him gain access to the City of York after he had besieged it unsuccessfully .
5 It was at the capture of Mantes that William the Conqueror fell from his horse and received the injury from which he later died in Rouen .
6 It 's hoped that wneh the Oxford Universal Hip wears out the bone will be healthier to receive a new implant , causing the patient less pain .
7 The art of blending is to produce a whisky with a distinctive flavour which will remain consistent , so that drinkers the world over will recognise and be able to enjoy their favourite blend .
8 Some Soviet scientists have recently reported leaks in the vast , allegedly airtight , concrete sarcophagus that encases the smouldering remains of the infamous reactor number four .
9 Allen 's colleague Jeremy Bailey has produced a computer program that colour-codes the view at each wavelength and then adds them together to produce these multicolour views .
10 Last month , after checking with the experts in Moscow , we felt compelled to publish the disappointing news that Ivan the Terrible 's library has not after all been found , whatever Pravda and The Times might say .
11 He went over the whole ground of Canterbury 's history from the beginning , enforcing the one simple message that Gregory the Great and his successors had committed to Canterbury the task of introducing and upholding the Christian faith throughout the whole of the British Isles .
12 Coenwulf and his counsellors reminded Pope Leo that Gregory the Great had originally intended two metropolitan sees , one at York , the other at London , and blamed the decision about Lichfield on papal ineptitude — Pope Hadrian presuming to diminish the authority of Canterbury simply because of Offa 's enmity towards Jaenberht and the men of Kent .
13 So they , that funds the best part of a careers officer
14 In all the yelling and argument that followed Jo concluded that Andy the gardener was a starfucker in the literal sense of the term , for what else could her mother have been doing in the pool house at that time of day and why else would she have over-reacted the way she did ?
15 So that crime the full range of crime you know , wh was displayed by some people living in the flats .
16 Furthermore , Mossad has the advantage that Jews the world over , rich or poor , owe an ethnic loyalty to Israel that enables them to be called upon to help even in quite minor ways .
17 The alluvium passes down a sluice where particles of gold , because they 're heavier , are retained behind wooden ripples , and up on the carpet that lines the sluice .
18 A guide to London public sculpture described the monument as ‘ A masterpiece by the much-advertised apostle of Ugliness ’ , a view shared by those who felt that Hudson the nature lover was ill commemorated by a sculpture which showed nature in so raw a state .
19 The line that tensions the sail down the length of the mast and is connected to the mastfoot. it controls the shape at the front of the sail .
20 Sometimes , too , you have to scratch ear to make sure you really did just hear what you thought you had , for although spotting-the-influence occasionally seems to tempt the listener , there is some highly individual writing here , and the prodigality of the invention is startling : the music simply poured out of her , sometimes with a batty , Ancient-Mariner intensity that buttonholes the listener willy-nilly , not stopping to form its garrulousness into coherent shapes .
21 His mind is open to the possibility that Alan the Aston office manager might be pulling a fast one over him .
22 all that proved to me is , is that Helen the board , the examination board that Helen did at the college , she said it was a much , a much better exam to do than it was at
23 It was soon after that that Tom the cabin boy 's Aunt Clarabel asked him to put the cat out .
24 On the other hand , there is enough evidence to show that Louis the Pious remained in personal control of political and military affairs .
25 That satraps as well as the king had their entourage of fellow-diners is proved by Xenophon 's Anabasis ( i.8.25 ) which says that Cyrus the Younger had his ‘ table-sharers ’ , and by Diodorus ' description ( xvii.20 ) of the ‘ kinsmen ’ of the satrap Spithrobates , who fought with him at the battle of the Granikos in 334 .
26 that cracks the walnuts in her hand I 'd like to see somebody do that
27 Helgaud reported that Robert the Pious secretly removed the relics from the reliquary on which he obliged his primates ( magnates ) to take oaths , in order to shield them from committing perjury .
28 Armstrong zipped through the City with more than usual aplomb , which made me think that Duncan the Drunken had given him a tuning .
29 One , application could be made to the court that Mr the landlord is unreasonably withholding consent to the lease , if the court finds that this is in fact the case they will permit the assignment of the lease to you , not withstanding the landlord 's objection .
30 And a strange sight it was , this tiny dark-hared person sitting there with her feet nowhere near touching the floor , totally absorbed in the wonderful adventures of Pip and old Miss Havisham and her cobwebbed house and by the spell of magic that Dickens the great story-teller had woven with his words .
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