Example sentences of "not just by " in BNC.

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1 Sections of the population assist the police in the performance of their duties not just by taking on gunmen or robbers but also by making telephone calls to the police .
2 All are partially in error and not just by the fact of their division .
3 The damage can be limited not just by a vow of silence from the government 's critics , but also by intelligent fiscal action from the government itself .
4 The interesting point is that the really quite moderate and bourgeois position of the DUP is often over looked , not just by its critics ( one would expect that ) , but also by its supporters .
5 People are influenced not just by political parties or candidates but also by national , regional and local considerations .
6 Now , in order that the French presence in her daughter 's kingdom should not be threatened , not just by English intervention , but by any occasion such as a burgh play when Scottish mobs might get out of hand , Mary of Guise put a stop to a source of enjoyment and fun .
7 I think those 10th- and 11th-century sculptors were motivated not just by piety but also by a certain competitive spirit : if a church was finer than the one in the next village , more pilgrims would surely pause there .
8 We aim to create a first-class education system for all , not just by providing adequate public funding , but also through reforms which increase choice and opportunity for each citizen .
9 Two months of cold , loneliness and hunger had changed her , and not just by making her thinner .
10 The amendment failed , being opposed not just by the Government but surprisingly also by the SDP spokesman , Mr Robert MacLennan , who said that ‘ senior Ministers who have the duty to authorise interception of communications must have a very wide — in many cases , almost unlimited — discretion ’ .
11 Moreover , the Council itself was widely regarded as dangerously left-wing , dominated not just by teachers , but by teachers acceptable to the furthest left of the teachers ' unions , the NUT ( itself then containing large proportion of primary school teachers , without university connections ) .
12 The latter is certainly played with great energy although even such a generally obvious piece such as this would have benefitted from heightened sensitivity : Gershwin was , after all , influenced not just by the vibrant colours of the tropics but by their warmth as well .
13 In continuing to speak of healthy relationships between children and parents , Searles emphasised the resolution of the Oedipal strivings , not just by the child 's identification with the parents of the same sex , not just by the final taboo and containment of the feelings , but also by the parent 's renunciation of the reciprocated romantic feelings with a real sense of loss , and also by the love between the parents to which the child owed his existence .
14 In continuing to speak of healthy relationships between children and parents , Searles emphasised the resolution of the Oedipal strivings , not just by the child 's identification with the parents of the same sex , not just by the final taboo and containment of the feelings , but also by the parent 's renunciation of the reciprocated romantic feelings with a real sense of loss , and also by the love between the parents to which the child owed his existence .
15 Unlike all too many pointy headstock/Floyd-equipped guitars , the KH Custom has been put together with a degree of understanding , and not just by numbers .
16 If homoeopathy is such an individual way of treating you — for example , one person with influenza may have quite a different medicine from another person with it — what is the value of homoeopathic remedies now seen on many chemists ' shelves which could be used by people who are not aware that the choice of a remedy has to be selected according to a number of factors , not just by a simple set of symptoms ?
17 But groups of people are identified not just by language and food , but by location , appearance , kinship , mythology , tradition , custom , music , clothing , symbols , rituals and all the details of everyday life , and all these characteristics serve to unite as well as divide them .
18 ‘ It seems to change not just by the day but almost by the hour . ’
19 The impact is felt all over the profession and not just by the larger firms .
20 In more recent times drugs have been used more frequently and not just by the stars .
21 They achieve this , not just by a film of grease alone , but also by aiming to copy the skin 's water-holding hydrolipidic film .
22 It has been argued that corporate efficiency in privatised industries has improved , not just by an exposure to market forces and an acceptance of the profit motive , but by the extra freedom given to managers .
23 Any regulatory system will be judged not just by its ability to provide a ‘ fair , rate of return for investors and ‘ fair ’ prices for consumers , but on its ability to avoid under-investment .
24 This will be affected not just by economic factors , but by demographic and social factors as well .
25 This will be affected not just by the amount of resources devoted to health , but also by the efficiency of the service .
26 The consumer boom was fuelled not just by the falling savings ratio at a time when economic growth allowed incomes to rise strongly , but also by ( a ) tax cuts , especially in the budgets of 1987 and 1988 and ( b ) readily available credit — particularly in the aftermath of the deregulation of the City in 1986 , known as Big Bang .
27 Judge Bryan Prior has done society a favour not just by locking Michael Watson away , but by giving a warning to every mugger .
28 Rangers manager Gerry Francis , disappointed that his side failed to capitalise on their outstanding first half display conceded : ‘ Barnes was the difference , not just by the way he played , but more by his sheer presence . ’
29 His habitual silence at Court was probably caused not just by caution and disapproval but by shyness .
30 Not just by being friendly , but by talking your language .
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