Example sentences of "he [vb -s] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ E's got a warm 'eart , 'e 'll call the doctor in if 'e thinks yer leg 's broke .
2 ‘ I 've told yer before , 'e pays less than any ovver firm in Bermondsey an' 'e sacks 'is workers fer the least fing. 'E would n't tolerate the union fer ages an' as soon as any of 'is workers tried ter get the union in they were put off .
3 As Annie said later to Martha , ‘ Although 'e scrapes 'is tongue , there 's nowt toffee-nosed about 'im . ’
4 ‘ It come to 'im from 'is dad ; 'e says 'e feels undressed without it an' do n't know whether it 's 'alf-past five or ten to eight when 'e gets up , or if it 's teatime or dinnertime .
5 If 'e says you 're ter have it , it 'll still be there . ’
6 Else told 'im not to be disgustin' , and now every night there 's a terrible row before they go to bed — our bedroom 's right underneath theirs — and Else says she wo n't sleep in the same bed with 'im until 'e washes 'imself . ’
7 ‘ Well , George said Broom'ead 's got a litter o' kittens in the stable where 'e keeps 'is 'orse an' 'e said Aggie can 'ave one of 'em fer two bob . ’
8 'E idolises 'er , despite what the silly mare 's doin' .
9 'E gives me enough embarrassment as it is by what 'e gets up to .
10 You should n't need no 'elp , but if 'e gives yer any lip , just call me . ’
11 ‘ I fink 'e finks we 've got the equipment . ’
12 'E finks we 've come ter put the tent up ! ’ he hissed .
13 ‘ What does John Percival say when 'e does yer books ? ’
14 ‘ Oh , 'e does 'is work in 'is livin'-room , ’ said Mrs Beavis .
15 'E likes you , see .
16 After 'e 'as 'is tea 'e falls asleep in that chair an' 'e 's like that till it 's time for bed .
17 ‘ If by any chance the police pull us in on suspicion they 've got ter 'ave an identification parade , an' if the old watchman recognises any of us we 're done for , unless 'e 's too frightened ter pick us out , an' 'e will be if 'e knows we 're capable o' smackin' 'im around a bit .
18 I 'd give 'im the back o' me 'and big as 'e is , an' 'e knows it .
19 'E makes isself vulnerable .
20 ‘ I jus ' take everyfing to 'im an' give 'im all those sheets wiv me totals on , an' 'e works it all out .
21 Our closeness to him involves us in his struggle .
22 Jason denies saying it ; the freelance journalist who interviewed him insists he did .
23 This single great emptiness before him has lots of smaller ones inside it .
24 You remember Peter when he was , er , totally different context , but the lesson is the same , when he was when Jesus called him to walk on the water and he starts walking , and then , he looks around and for what e , for whatever reason he starts sinking , the moment he calls out help Jesus reaches out and lifts him back him rescues him .
25 Everyone who has worked with him describes it as ‘ an unforgettable experience ’ , and there is usually a Beecham story .
26 The driver may also arrange a mirror additional to the driving mirror so that the speechreading passenger sitting next to him sees his face .
27 Mr Grist tells my colleague Bryan Rostron : ‘ A number of factors gave rise to the suspension , but the very fact that the authority itself lost confidence in him shows it was n't one particular thing .
28 Jim ( no one who knows him calls him Iggy ) being Jim was squatting on the table stuffing everyone else 's venison into his roll and eating it with his fingers .
29 And everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself ’ ( 1 John 3:2f ) .
30 Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as he is pure , That 's that 's Colin goes on to say , because you shall be like him does not mean that you are to care little about how much of him can be seen in your life .
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