Example sentences of "he [is] seen " in BNC.

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1 Fed up now with being a domestic skivvy , he is seen typing out the goodbye letter before leaving for Marrakech , where he plans to write a novel based on their sex life .
2 Soon , for instance , he is seen cheekily jostling for prominence among refugees arriving at Southampton .
3 Twenty years ago , to almost universal applause , he defied the Kremlin ; ten years later he was an honoured guest , staying at Buckingham Palace ; today , he is seen as a Stalinist dinosaur who deserves little better than assassination .
4 He is seen as a reforming Communist and was , for a while , in charge of the youth section of the party and a provincial Communist Party leader .
5 But most of the 8,000 people sitting in the glass house are tourists drawn by Mr Schuller 's fame ( he is seen by about 1.3m American households each Sunday ) and the eye-popping spectacle of the cathedral designed by Mr Philip Johnson .
6 He is seen as the only man who can keep the peace between those who want to slow the pace of reform and those who want to speed it up .
7 He is seen as the visionary on the board , and has worked in a number of the company 's divisions .
8 Think that a the farmer is having a day off if he is seen in town ?
9 He is seen on his knees whilst God shatters the wall held by the defending Moslem forces .
10 He is seen as a philosopher who passed through logical positivism ( which he largely created with his early work Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus ) to a position more sympathetic towards religious language as outlined in his later Philosophical Investigations .
11 He is seen , just briefly , behind a barricade in a burning street , his rifle beside him but intent on removing a stone from his boot while a German Tiger tank moves steadily down the street towards him .
12 As long-haired ‘ Hap ’ , one of a pair of beatnik lovers , wearing a polo-neck sweater and a raincoat , Dustin 's 45-second moment comes when he is seen breaking up with his girlfriend ( Mariclare Costello ) before she wanders off to be almost grabbed by the preying Wallach .
13 ( He is seen briefly , with his snowy moustache , at the beginning of the film , addressing the convicts in the role of the commandant . )
14 He is seen here a year later with his Tomahawk fighter when once more serving in North Africa .
15 He is seen here after rescue and medical treatment , with a broken nose and bullet wound in his right hand .
16 He is seen here with Flg.Off .
17 He is seen here later in the year after posting to East Africa , with a Curtiss Mahawk in the background .
18 Certainly he hated Robespierre and the Jacobins , and his subsequent disillusionment with the course of the Revolution makes sense if he is seen as an exiled Girondin .
19 The Evil One is seen after St Gregory of Nazianzus as having no rights at all — on the contrary he is seen as a robber and a liar who stole the world from God and who holds humanity as captives in bondage to their own sin and his influence and power .
20 I wonder if he is seen too ?
21 And it will do his own prospects no harm if he is seen attempting to make up for his failure to sign Alan Shearer in the summer .
22 In the opening sequence he is seen hanging on to the top of a jeep as it careers down the rock of Gibraltar .
23 Then he is seen as Mr Policey , serving ice cream from a van painted white to avoid suspicion — with the words Unmarked Police Car printed on the side .
24 He is seen digging away at the side of the ball with his thumbnail in a blatant breach of the laws of cricket .
25 Now Amsterdam seem to be willing to take him on despite the scandal , and are presenting him as an exciting and controversial figure , while many of his former colleagues in The Hague admire him , as do the public ; he is seen as decisive , inspiring and provocative .
26 Several times , he is seen rummaging about in the garbage bag , possibly trying to conceal something .
27 Some twenty minutes later , at about a quarter to five , he is seen on the third floor of the Polytechnique , in one of the corridors lined with student lockers , pressed against the wall and holding a long object in the green garbage bag , with a smaller white plastic bag by his side .
28 The next time he is seen , it is in the corridor a floor below , leading to room C-230.4 , beyond the photocopiers , where Professor Bouchard is listening to student presentations in mechanical engineering .
29 He is seen by colleagues in special units including Owen , as reluctant to pursue the ‘ return to school goal ’ .
30 At first sight it would seem he has , for here he is seen wearing a UTV hat , sporting a BBC badge , and standing beside Belfast Community Radio 's 96.7 sign .
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