Example sentences of "he [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I reckon 'e should feel right at 'ome .
2 P'raps 'e 'll walk yer 'ome , ’ she added .
3 ‘ Bring 'em in , lad , ’ Mr Bean said to Hoomey. ‘ 'E 'll think 'e 's in paradise . ’
4 'E 'll fix you up … ’
5 ‘ Oh , d'yer fink 'e 'll pay tuppence ? ’ asked Linda .
6 I be lucky I get any bloke fer more'n two monfs togewer like my ol' lady I suppose an' if I get a bloke 'e 'll be aht a' work or 'e 'll set me ter the bleed'n game like 'er I would n't be surprised but if you reely want ter now jus ' fer now for this minute I wanner enjoy it .
7 ‘ We was in t'workhouse together and 'e 'll do as 'e 's told , which is more than a lot of 'usbands does . ’
8 ‘ If yer miss payin' 'e 'll do the same as 'e did wiv us .
9 ‘ If yer lets ‘ im go on like that , 'e 'll lose yer the baby , ’ she said , and winked .
10 'E 'll share my room and ’ e 'll spend 'is evenings in t'stable out o' t'way , like 'e does now . ’
11 Our Daniel were born a shuffletoppin' an ’ 'e 'll die a shuffletoppin' . ’
12 Tony gives us till quarter ter seven then 'e 'll come back and drive it out o' the yard .
13 ‘ E's got a warm 'eart , 'e 'll call the doctor in if 'e thinks yer leg 's broke .
14 Sergeant Joe 'll see yer sprain do n't get worse , 'e 'll get the doctor in if it does .
15 ‘ Mind , 'e might 'ave been after all me little gels , they bein' 'ighly valuable . ’
16 ‘ P'raps 'e might like me too , ’ said Nancy .
17 ‘ Aah thowt as 'ow 'e 'd 'ave more sense . ’
18 At the church , me poor sister was near to swoonin' , our mum 'ad to give 'er smellin'-salts , with 'is reverend the vicar sayin' 'e 'd 'ave to cancel the ceremony .
19 ‘ 'E loves Rachel an' 'e 'd give me the top brick off the chimney if I asked 'im , but 'e 's a worrier .
20 Sergeant Joe would n't want me to walk all the way , 'e 'd see me straight with a bob . ’
21 An' 'e 'd say : ‘ Them books is n't for the likes o' you , Jack .
22 'E 'd come running from the back garden and we nearly bumped into each other coming round the corner of the 'ouse .
23 ‘ Well , if 'e was in the area it 's a foregone conclusion 'e 'd pop in .
24 Still , Mr Dysart went to see what 'e could do , while I went back to phone for the police .
25 If my 'Arold 'ad 'eard 'im goin' on 'e would 'ave put 'is lights out . ’
26 But that 's probably what 'e would 've acted like if it 'ad been 'im , y'know ? ’
27 But that 's probably what 'e would 've acted like if it 'ad been 'im , y'know ? ’
28 I knew 'e would like you , because you are a wonderful girl , and 'e is a wonderful man .
29 Sometimes the tides run fast an' sometimes a man gets the feelin' 'e can swim across from shore ter shore with ease when it 's runnin' slow .
30 ‘ Your father 'e can go smoke , ’ Madame retorted , sitting Ellie down in a chair .
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