Example sentences of "he [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ E's got a warm 'eart , 'e 'll call the doctor in if 'e thinks yer leg 's broke .
2 That did n't go down very well an' then 'e asked me why .
3 Suddenly , out o' the blue , 'e asked me if I knew the Tunnel Mob .
4 ‘ I 've told yer before , 'e pays less than any ovver firm in Bermondsey an' 'e sacks 'is workers fer the least fing. 'E would n't tolerate the union fer ages an' as soon as any of 'is workers tried ter get the union in they were put off .
5 ’ ‘ As 'e 'ad owt tiv eat ? ’
6 As Annie said later to Martha , ‘ Although 'e scrapes 'is tongue , there 's nowt toffee-nosed about 'im . ’
7 ‘ 'Ow 's 'e takin' it — Sidney ? ’
8 What did 'e buy it for if 'e did n't want it ?
9 'E told me they was askin' after somebody 'e used ter know .
10 Like I said , 'e told me an' Tony McCarthy that there 's no end o' silk on the ground floor an' upstairs there 's cases o' real ivory ornaments .
11 ‘ My ole man got upset an' 'e told me ter get rid o' the bloody fing before 'e got 'ome from work ternight. 'E works on the trams , yer see , ’ the woman explained .
12 'E told me 'e might be late an' not ter wait up , ’ Sadie went on .
13 Anyway , I asked 'im what 'e done in the war an' 'e told me it was no concern o' mine .
14 ‘ Anyway , 'e told me ter get out an' called me a lazy so-an'-so so I stuck one on 'im .
15 This copper said the Tunnel Mob 's bin done fer a ware'ouse job in Wappin'. 'E told me they was still lookin' fer two more blokes who was involved but they do n't know who they was . ’
16 Dad 'eard 'er an' 'e told 'er that while 'e 'ad two 'ands she was not to borrow money off 'er .
17 Now yer know what a cowson that Frank is. 'E told 'er ter piss orf out of it in no uncertain terms an' Maudie told 'im she was gon na send 'er ole man round ter sort 'im out .
18 What 's more , 'e told 'er if she did n't stop 'er silly carryin 's on , 'e was gon na leave 'er . ’
19 It broke 'er 'eart when 'e told 'er 'e was orf ter India . ’
20 'E told us on Sunday at the sermon .
21 ‘ It come to 'im from 'is dad ; 'e says 'e feels undressed without it an' do n't know whether it 's 'alf-past five or ten to eight when 'e gets up , or if it 's teatime or dinnertime .
22 If 'e says you 're ter have it , it 'll still be there . ’
23 Well , 'e give me 'alf-a-crown , so I 'ad to pay me dues in the way of informin' 'im .
24 'E give me an ear'ole bashin' an' I 'ad ter listen , did n't I ?
25 Else told 'im not to be disgustin' , and now every night there 's a terrible row before they go to bed — our bedroom 's right underneath theirs — and Else says she wo n't sleep in the same bed with 'im until 'e washes 'imself . ’
26 Old Wilkins used to make me shiver every time 'e touched me . ’
27 ‘ Well , George said Broom'ead 's got a litter o' kittens in the stable where 'e keeps 'is 'orse an' 'e said Aggie can 'ave one of 'em fer two bob . ’
28 'E idolises 'er , despite what the silly mare 's doin' .
29 P'raps 'e knew 'e was in the wrong by provokin' me in the first place .
30 ‘ Did n't 'e tell ye he was off ? . ’
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