Example sentences of "he [be] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Bowlers allus goes for the man as is buildin' a ninnins. 'E 's the one they fear .
2 Joe Maitland used ter go ter the fights , an' apparently 'e was the one who tipped the police off . ’
3 According to enterprise expert Peter Nicholson , Smith and those who think like him are the real entrepreneurs .
4 Many of those who have risen with him are the product of those changes .
5 Behind , beneath and about him are the oldest and dearest friends of the cause — whilst a liberated slave , now a delegate , is looking up to Clarkson with deep interest , and the hand of friendship is resting with affection on his arm , in fellowship and protection .
6 ‘ With him are the Twelve Lords of Evil — each one the embodiment of the world 's great wickednesses .
7 In front of him are the common wild stones of the earth —
8 Waiting for him are the entertainments manager , played by veteran British character actor Sydney Tafler , and another stand-up act , in the guise of Christopher Timothy , who later became known as a star of All Creatures Great and Small .
9 All conceptual verbs ( evoking notions such as believing , proving , judging , understanding , discovering , assuming , inferring , saying ) refuse the bare infinitive : ( 42 ) * I believe him be the man .
10 The choice of McLeish as captain will , Roxburgh believes , remove an unwanted , additional pressure from McStay 's shoulders and let him be the midfield schemer who orchestrates the emphatic victory essential to Scotland 's progress .
11 Side by side with him were the ‘ apostles ’ , those commissioned by Jesus to proclaim repentance in view of God 's imminent kingdom .
12 Somewhere not too far below him were the wooden doors of the Gallery Window of the Jungfraujoch railway .
13 Opposing him were the wealthy traders of London and the people of the south and east of England .
14 More or less contemporary with him were the Dutchman Willebrord Snell ( who conceived the law of light refraction ) , the Belgian Simon Stevin , and the four Frenchmen Marin Mersenne , Pierre de Fermat , Rene Descartes and Blaise Pascal — physicists and mathematicians all .
15 For him were the heavy tasks .
16 Below him was H. J. E. Dudley , Lord Sayle ; above him were the rooms of his closest friend , the Honourable C. V. T. Glendinning .
17 The only people who really knew him were the labourers who helped out at the farm during the periods of sheep-shearing , haytime and harvest .
18 In front of him , as far as the eye could see , was the serenity of Lake Champlain , and all about him were the lush verdant forests of southern Vermont .
19 Arguing once more from the personal to the universal , he concluded that those who had done such a thing to him were the enemies of all civilised society .
20 It was not direct north but what interested him were the air currents the hills created .
21 All that remained of him were the words of his confused hopes , swimming on the pages .
22 This was achieved often at the expense of those whom Gladstone 's political intuition told him were the " natural leaders of the nation ; his second ministry ( 1880–84 ) was barren by comparison .
23 Beneath him were the charred remains of a small Fire .
24 The faces around him were the last to go , standing out with startling clarity against the sleepy darkness that was closing in on him .
25 All around him were the sounds of life ; birds chattered in the trees , insects had their own conversations , off in the distance a dog was barking .
26 With him were the head of the Irish Development Agency , Kieran McGowan , and Galway 's mayor , Padraic McCormack .
27 Waiting for him were the Bosnian Serb leader , Radovan Karadzic , Bosnian Croat leader , Mate Boban , and mediators Lord Owen and Cyrus Vance .
28 ‘ We talk openly about him being the messiah , and we feel sure we will see the Messiah before the end of the Rebbe 's days . ’
29 Had to grow up fast , him being the eldest .
30 But Capirossi , just turned 18 , is determined success wo n't prevent him being the cheerful , friendly youth he 's always been .
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