Example sentences of "for her the " in BNC.

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1 Not for her the summit this day ; she 'd left the others to it .
2 This was her first big opportunity to reply to the barrage of criticism and , as she saw it , ingratitude which had marred for her the celebration last May of her 10 years in office .
3 Maggie 's room , her own place , had been made for her the summer she was eight by Phoebe , Paul and Uncle Wong .
4 For her the world was full of young men whose bodies were untainted by disease and these — he persuaded himself — were the ones she really craved , having no care for him at all , except some morbid interest in a diseased thing , which , presently , she would thrust aside with a disdainful shudder .
5 For her the real issue is the second generation 's right to education , but not any old education .
6 He asked permission to leave it for her the following day .
7 The ad people know that girls are watching and that they can attract them and form their ideas by making the girl associate their product with a particular image — so that when she is looking at a hair gel in a chemist 's , that will conjure up for her the image of the model used to advertise it , and make her want to look that way herself , and want to buy it .
8 Even if she could be brought to view his actions in his own light , he would remain for her the instrument of death .
9 It represented for her the opportunity to move from a life of manual labour to a life of intellectual labour .
10 For her the ‘ core of the bureaux are the interviewers ’ .
11 Very little was found of either body , but Winnie was so loved that we arranged a remembrance service for her the following Sunday .
12 As a result , for her the only way to struggle with men was to run , as far away as possible .
13 He had been best man at their wedding — a formidable pre-nuptial agreement had been necessary for that capitulation — and had carried out his duties with a mixture of incompetence , vulgarity and irreverence which , as she occasionally enjoyed telling Norman , had spoilt for her the memory of her big day .
14 But its possession , the sight and weight of it on her key ring , had come to symbolize for her the certainty and the trust of their friendship .
15 It was the first time she had been able to grant his wish and take him to visit Santa Claus in a large department store , and that made it for her the happiest Christmas she could remember .
16 One day when I changed my aunt 's library book for her the girl handed me At Mrs Lippincote 's , the first novel of a new author , published that year .
17 Herman Schrijver had Lesley Blanche [ best known for her The Wilder Shores of Love ] and Ivy and me to lunch , and most amusing it was .
18 Not for her the shops of the Boulevard or Bond Street .
19 Not for her the gentle , feminine title First Lady and a background role choosing the Oval Office curtains .
20 Constance loved the pictures , but for her the most enchanting thing in the collection was a group of eighteenth century wax dolls dressed in the height of the day 's fashion .
21 Publications in the 1960s , such as Honest to God and Toward a Quaker View of Sex , represented for her the encroachment or infiltration of a new moral orthodoxy into the Church itself .
22 Fortunately for her the camera had already fallen in love with the new royal cover girl .
23 But for her the difference of sex is essentially of no more import than are differences of race .
24 The thought of going home was for her the final impossibility , but she could not see any satisfactory way of avoiding it .
25 The greater the longing he felt for her the more sensible he had tried to be .
26 For her the multi-media scheme has been not only a counter to depression but also a means of exercising aspects of her intellect and imagination .
27 On the other hand , if for her the impossible was not merely possible , not merely probable but certain , she destroyed the route to wonder that might have enhanced her living days .
28 In the same month , in what was for her the last term of her formal education , Alix became engaged to Sebastian Manning .
29 in the small hours and for her the woods
30 For her the tears are a language , for him they are a threat .
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