Example sentences of "for the for " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , and if , if , if it 's bad lies well then that 's the case for the for the , the body that deals with the police .
2 Right , so for the for the diagram
3 I I ca n't I ca n't speak for th for the for the temper of the horses .
4 erm it 's an automatic enhancement and it depends on your actual length of service and you know when you actually apply for the for the infirmity allowance .
5 Er , it could be o off-putting for the for the planes .
6 Erm there was an appeal , for the for the collection plate that was going round .
7 And we described what we were going to do on this walk and where we were going to go and both sort of referred to the same composition and there was a prize for the for the one that was judged the best .
8 So what are the consequences for the for areas such as this .
9 That was for the for the men to have a drink if they want one .
10 I try to think of the three things we 'd identified for the for the fifteenth of September .
11 There you are for the for the ring .
12 Aha that was just went in It was all blown to the side and that was it was kept just for the for the carol beasts for the sheds you see , for the that was what the what we saw what they bedded them down with that .
13 Oh yes there was Oh yeah , there was all the implements for that there was the the grubber and there was the plough and there was the harress and there was the Scarefair and er wh wh whatever you call the the the driller , there there was the driller for the for this turnips or the neeps .
14 And it will be ready for the for the visit in May ?
15 So they they do they test for the for the hill would be the first thing .
16 And for the for the young calves you had to scrap them cos they could n't eat the the the big big thick sl slices for the young calves .
17 for the for the family .
18 And as soon as she puts her head down out for the for the dog do you see , fighting , he used to put this V on her back , right at the back of the the the neck .
19 Er I know er perhaps I was er civil or obedient or whatever , I do n't know but er I I they u they used to have this this collection for the for supposedly for carrying the water , I do n't know .
20 They have not been they are not the area covered by the er York greenbelt because as Mr said , er er greenbelt boundaries follow natural features rather than administrative boundaries which we use for the for the Greater York study .
21 erm I I think if you look back , and again we could put a another paper in on this , N Y one , which was erm sort of a background to the history of planning in Greater York , which er er we we did , which I think Malcolm Spittle wrote for the for the greenbelt , enquiry , erm and that showed that in the , well before nineteen seventy four of course , there there were four authorities involved in Greater York .
22 been in opposition for the last , well , for the for the for the rememberable future ,
23 been in opposition for the last , well , for the for the for the rememberable future ,
24 And this is at a time , of course , when we have other doors opening to us , which we shall need match funding , objective rural Dent , and er , er for the for the for the budget to be , it to have been cut in this way , is is is is very serious .
25 And this is at a time , of course , when we have other doors opening to us , which we shall need match funding , objective rural Dent , and er , er for the for the for the budget to be , it to have been cut in this way , is is is is very serious .
26 I think the difference there is that we 're talking about we 're not talking inners and outers there , we 're talking about or certainly in terms of the consultation that we 've undertaken on the western route , it 's been different variations of a western route , there is n't an equivalent of a of an inner route for the for the western side .
27 But clearly the it forms two purposes , one is to remove the er the through traffic but also it it forms a purpose of redistribution of the traffic such that er there are er benefits er of getting er traffic off the A sixty one which for example is headed for the for the northern part of Harrogate and that that can come in from the South , it can go up to the A fifty nine and then come back into the northern part of Harrogate without having to pass through the centre of Harrogate .
28 We 're only having two or three up here anyway for the for the .
29 For the for the first year .
30 Erm I I should also say that for the for the record that erm we accept the Greater York figures and regard them as also acceptable .
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