Example sentences of "for the party " in BNC.

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1 It was for the party refusing to disclose to establish his right to refuse .
2 But it wo n't be good for the party . ’
3 Neil Kinnock , the Labour leader , set out education , transport , science and research as key priorities for the party 's programme in government in his speech to the conference on Tuesday .
4 Conference delegates endorsed their leader 's determined stand after Roy Hattersley , Labour 's deputy leader , warned that for the party to concede demands for PR would be ‘ an act of historic folly ’ .
5 In others ( Belgium , Finland , Italy and Switzerland ) voters are able to vote for candidates within the list , as well as casting a vote for the party .
6 ‘ It is time for the party as a whole to take a step back and look at the way in which its democracy is being carried out , ’ he told the conference .
7 His high profile in recent months and obvious bid for the party presidency have amounted to nothing .
8 Mr Janman clashed at the Monday Club meeting with fellow Tory Mike Truman , who contested Ealing Southall for the party at the last election .
9 If he is to persuade his colleagues that he can win for the party , he will need to seize every available chance for exposure over the next two , three , or even four years .
10 Mr Kinnock is uninterested in finding a visionary ‘ big idea ’ for the party ; he is convinced that Labour 's values remain popular .
11 On election day , in June 1987 , 84 per cent of Mirror readers ( and only slightly less Guardian and Telegraph/Times/ Financial Times readers ) voted for the party they had preferred a year earlier , in the summer of 1986 .
12 His Future of Socialism in 1956 had provided a point of reference for the party , and progressives throughout the nation , over the past twenty years with its emphasis on social equality rather on public ownership as the instrument of change .
13 A telling statistic in a recent election study by Rose and McAllister is that , whereas in 196480 per cent of those who came from homes in which both parents were Labour voters themselves voted for the party , by 1983 the proportion from such backgrounds which still voted Labour had dropped to 45 Per cent .
14 In 1988 there were no contestants other than Kaunda for the party 's presidential nomination , since Nalumino Mundia , a veteran of the independence struggle , withdrew , being unable to secure Bemba support .
15 Although indignant at this slur on her relatives , Frau Nordern forgot it as she , Omi , and Erika became absorbed in planning a menu for the party .
16 ‘ We 've been working out the date for the party , ’ Frau Nordern said , producing an enormous desk diary .
17 Her mother and Omi and Paul were in , going through the arrangements for the party and wondering where the various guests could be put up — for free .
18 ‘ Just called to see you about the musicians for the party , ’ he said .
19 I 'd vote for the party candidate . ’
20 Mr Krenz 's resignation as head of state — he stepped down from the party leadership three days ago — signifies what could be a terminal crisis for the party , as it desperately advances its special congress by a week to find new faces .
21 Coventry decided that it would cost more to contest the claim than pay it ; so Clarkson will get £74 for the party 's four tickets and travelling expenses .
22 Mr Ashdown said progress for the party would be incremental .
23 MR NORMAN Tebbit 's decision to raise the stakes in the Conservatives ' Hong Kong immigration row with a brutal attack on the Cabinet 's policy last night convinced some MPs that he is preparing a bid for the party leadership when Mrs Thatcher retires .
24 A Service department may take the risk of including an important project in its list , not because it believes it has a low priority , but because it knows it would be politically awkward for the party in power to consider cutting it .
25 But Mr Jim Mattox , one of the two Democrats who will be competing in the run-off election for the party 's nomination on April 10th , tried in similar vein to take credit for executions even though , as Texas 's attorney-general , he is involved with civil cases , not criminal ones .
26 As for Mr Gorbachev himself , he is desperate for the party to stay in one piece because he knows that , once on their own , neither hardliners nor reformers would be likely to want him as their leader .
27 It is not clear that the rules in Common Law and Equity were quite the same on these subjects ; but , at any rate , Equity had a special protection for the party who had suffered .
28 But they are banned from party membership and can not vote for the party at election time .
29 Conversely , people living outside the UK ( and who have recently been resident in the UK ) can continue to join and vote for the party even though the next Labour Government 's policies will have little direct impact on their lives .
30 But even if this was the case , it would be no justification for the party 's boycott of the province .
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