Example sentences of "not do [pron] " in BNC.

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1 You can not do everything at the same time .
2 He can not and does not do everything .
3 If you can not do everything at once , or want to start making staged improvements , either concentrate on your first priorities ( leaving space for the next stages ) or your worst problems-depending on whether you are planning a first-time kitchen or updating an existing one .
4 We can not do everything in a very limited time , so we must select what is essential on the fairest and most comprehensive basis possible : that is , what we think may help pupils to cope with , and make decisions about , things which happen to them — at any age and at any level ; and also what will encourage responsibility concerning the effects they themselves have on others .
5 Government can not and should not do everything .
6 When George saw that Curley was attacking Lennie , George allowed Lennie to fight back because he knew that he could not do everything for Lennie .
7 For example , a horse that will not do something we may call ‘ stubborn ’ or ‘ pig-headed ’ , when in fact it does not know what we want .
8 Future generations of composers will damn our spinelessness if we do not do something about this proposal , and they will be right .
9 We are , therefore , anxious that he should not be thrown away in some other role and I hope that any plan he has made will be carefully examined so as to ensure that as far as possible he does not do something foolhardy .
10 How many times have you told yourself you could not do something but when you ultimately faced up and had a go , to your amazement you succeeded .
11 The objection involves the feeling or perhaps the conviction that we can never state or explicitly describe such a thing as a causal circumstance is said to be , which is to say that we can not do something like give a complete enumeration of its elements : we can not give particular or individuating descriptions of all of them .
12 ‘ Threat ’ when used in this connection means ‘ an intimation by one to another that unless the latter does or does not do something the former will do something which the latter will not like . ’
13 But … if , as they say , this is all in the mind , ie it is all down to your guilty conscience — excuse the expression — why not do something about it ?
14 But why does he not do something ?
15 Why not do something ?
16 Why not do something daring and take the Local Government Chronicle ?
17 Can we not do something
18 I would not do something if I was not 100pc comfortable in what I was doing . ’
19 It is perhaps surprising that Mr Lamont did not do something to stop the iniquitous practice of large firms delaying due payments to small firms , which has put may of the latter into serious difficulty .
20 It is perhaps surprising that Mr Lamont did not do something to stop the iniquitous practice of large firms delaying due payments to small firms , which has put many of the latter into serious difficulty .
21 If he is there , if there is a God , can he not do something ?
22 ‘ Can not do what ? ’ she said brightly , returning with the tray .
23 We can not do what we want because guilt convinces us that those around us will be hurt , so we temper our lives and our actions to avoid that mythical hurt .
24 So , in order to avoid what we believe is hurting others , we end up hurting ourselves , with the final result that because we can not do what we want , we grow bitter and resentful .
25 If someone has promised that he will prevent the promisee suffering any loss , and he does cause that no such loss arises from that matter , he does what he promised ; but if he does not , because he does not do what he promised , he is condemned in a sum of money , as happens in all obligations for performance .
26 Ask it to do more than it can and it may not do what it should .
27 If the ‘ qualified driver ’ does not do what can be reasonably expected of him regarding these duties the learner could be said to be not under supervision .
28 Until Wednesday , the worst manifestation of that was warning young Members that they would not get promoted if they did not do what they were told .
29 And she did not do what hedgehogs usually do when they find themselves in a bit of trouble : curl up in a tight , prickly ball .
30 In such cases someone who says ‘ I know ’ lays himself open to reproach if what he says turns out to be false in much the same way as someone who says ‘ I promise ’ lays himself open to reproach if he does not do what he promised to do .
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