Example sentences of "not he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It had better be that and not him having another of his scenes .
2 ‘ I 'm withdrawing my plans and will not he taking legal proceedings after all .
3 After that it will be decided whether or not he goes chasing in the New Year .
4 You see I 'm not he goes either
5 Should not he announce that he will withdraw those parts of the Bill and give people seeking political asylum the same rights to legal advice as anyone else would have , rather than introduce this appalling system under which they will not have the same equality before the law ?
6 But the outbreak of war on 3 September 1939 made a second Merstham visit impossible , though I always regretted that it could not he managed .
7 The officer was duly fetched in and asked whether or not he had taken a statement from Wells .
8 For had they ruled that a free pardon did quash a conviction , then Waddell 's defence of impeachment , i.e. that Meehan and not he had committed the crime , would have collapsed ; as it was it was greatly strengthened .
9 The answer given to the first certified question was in line with those pronouncements , so even though Viscount Dilhorne was of opinion that the evidence fell short of establishing that Mr. Occhi had consented to the taking of the £6 it was a matter of decision that it made no difference whether or not he had so consented .
10 Several journalists questioned him about whether or not he had found it hard being Laura Ashley 's son and his answer told them more than they had realized .
11 Steen looked annoyed , but it was difficult to tell whether or not he had recognized the voice .
12 He was the last of the brothers ; whether or not he had any part in their deaths he could be the key to a clearer understanding of the two who had died .
13 Whether or not he had sent the article back ( if it had been rejected ) did not in the least matter .
14 Secondly , it is immaterial whether or not he had obtained possession before he made the contract with the innocent purchaser ; it is sufficient that the possession was obtained before he transferred or delivered the goods or documents of title to the innocent purchaser .
15 To belabour the point of whether or not he had knocked would only make her sound shrewish , and she did n't want that added to his list of uncomplimentary adjectives , along with brash and brassy !
16 She could never face him at the party if she did n't know where she stood — did n't know whether or not he had rejected her apology or was prepared to be friendly .
17 We are not to know that new methods of correlation will not he developed ( as spores , hystrichospheres , etc. , have been developed in recent years ) to correlate the least promising.looking formations , Ultimately perhaps we shall have a little black box into which we only have to pop our rock specimen for its age to he read automatically on a dial .
18 But does not he realise that throughout Scotland he and his cronies are seen as a ’ wee parcel of rogues in a nation who were bought and sold for English gold ’ ?
19 Does not he realise that there is a serious danger of recreating the student ferment of 1969 ?
20 Does not he realise that , in making his announcement , he has , to some extent , signed his political death warrant ?
21 Does not he feel ashamed of that ?
22 Does not he feel that unwise comments such as those that he made do not help an already difficult situation ?
23 Why does not he admit that since last year 's Budget more than 500,000 people have been added to the dole queue ?
24 Why can not he tell us now what his plans are ?
25 Why does not he tell Russia and the other former Soviet Union countries that we want them to get rid of nuclear weapons ?
26 Of course the first prerequisite was that he should be able to know his colleagues ' views before deciding whether or not he agreed with them , so he needed access to their report before it was officially released .
27 Whether or not he does it , every person has a duty to God not to ‘ harm another in his life , … liberty , … or goods ’ , and so has a parallel right to defend himself against such attack .
28 In some senses you know when it happens to a male student , he is not he does n't have confirmed for him the sense that he is only a sexual object and that this is yet more of the way in which he is always perceived .
29 In view of that , does not he owe many thousands of families in Britain a personal apology ?
30 Note that under s363 , relief can be reduced or cancelled where the individual " recovers " capital from Newco , whether or not he uses it to repay his loan .
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