Example sentences of "not give [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Though I had worked out every detail for me and the wheelbarrow , I had not given much thought to the Land Rover .
2 I have not given much thought to that question , for the simple reason that I do not follow the elaborate paranoid theory advanced by the hon. Gentleman who believes that I am so worried about those annual reports .
3 Eh , certainly not given much away .
4 Due to its short running time , overall details of aircraft and events are not given great depth , but to the collector of archive aviation films this tape will be a welcome addition to the home library .
5 This poses a particular problem for Britain with her emphasis on the free-trading potential of the EEC , an objective which is not given similar prominence by her fellow Members .
6 Stone recurrence in these patients seems to be less than those not given adjuvant therapy but the length of follow up is shorter .
7 For example , the Church of Scientology has fought in the courts of Australia to be defined as a religion in order to be able to claim tax-exemption , while The Science of Creative Intelligence ( Transcendental Meditation ) has fought in the courts of the United States to be not given religious status so that it can be taught in the public ( State ) schools — a practice denied to religious organisations by the First Amendment of the United States ' Constitution .
8 This is an affect well known in some domesticated animals like sheep , it 's well known that if sheep are , if , if , if , if ewes are well fed just before they mate , they 're much more likely to er to twin than if they 're er not given extra food supplement and nowadays erm farmers wh wh who , who breed sheep for lambing er frequently feed , feed ewes a special diet just before er conception for that very reason , the rate of twinning increases .
9 One of the key planks of Majorism , for example , is an insistence on the integrity of the United Kingdom ; a view set out in his election speeches , though to his reported annoyance not given due weight in TV campaign coverage .
10 How often in the past have I not given due credence to relatives ' statements of how bad the client was ?
11 Estimating cholera-related deaths was made more difficult because the spread of the disease was not given official recognition , reportedly because of fears that it would adversely affect the country 's lucrative shrimp trade .
12 SIR — It has already been reported that , contrary to official policy , the scientific merits of candidates for academic promotion in Italy are not given primary consideration by the members of the judging commission , so it often happens that a loser has a curriculum vitae ( c.v. ) clearly superior to that of a winner .
13 Of course , if one adds extra pitch height to a tone , one has not given all possible detail about it .
14 ( 3 ) … the court shall , on such an application , make such order as it thinks fit for restoring the position to what it would have been if the company had not given that preference . ’
15 The court can make such order as it thinks fit to restore the position to what it would have been if the company had not given that preference .
16 We were erm not given many opportunities to do that only through things well local clubs like the W R I and which er and in that way all Orcadians just trying to do our best together you know .
17 The fact that in practice logistic problems in public libraries are not given enough attention is noted above .
18 All too often patients and their families are not given enough information about planning the convalescent period , about continued medications and treatments , expected rate of progress , and return to employment .
19 The Councillor contended that the Committee had been overinfluenced by the need to make economies and had not given enough consideration to the local view , shown in letters and at a local meeting at which opposition to closure had been unanimous .
20 One miner said : ‘ We were not given enough notice . ’
21 Ernst & Young thought that the APB had not given enough weight to the collateral changes which would be required , the timescale involved in the changes , and the very substantial costs which would arise .
22 Since 1960 Kubrick has virtually disowned the film , claiming that he was not given enough creative control .
23 This might have been because he 'd been kept in an aviary and not given enough exercise , and i felt sure I could put that right .
24 Murdock was a man of considerable genius and is often not given enough credit for his contributions to science and engineering .
25 We have been bemused too long by the great military roads of the Romans and have not given enough thought and research to the local ‘ economic ’ roads that developed during the two or three centuries that followed the Conquest and the brief phase of military occupation .
26 And , second , there is a sentence in Plutarch 's Life of Artaxerxes ( chapter iv ) about the revolt of the younger Cyrus ( for which see p. 184 ) : ‘ some say that he revolted because he was not given enough rations . ’
27 Not surprisingly , I heard today that in in there 's to be a judicial review on the supposed Trust because they 've not given enough information to the public on which to start their enterprise .
28 At the Appeal today , Lord Lane said dabbling in heroin is dabbling in potential death , but Clarke , a machinist from Malvern , was not given enough credit for the fact that he had pleaded guilty .
29 when she was only a second year therefore that means , she 's not given enough work , but I mean
30 The LDDC has not given local authorities long enough to respond to planning applications ; some community groups have not been consulted ; until 1986 , all meetings were held in secret ; and the LDDC has paid only lip-service to local plans produced by the boroughs concerned .
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