Example sentences of "not [vb infin] her " in BNC.

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1 They should not think her a woman who had let herself go .
2 You would not think her unduly burdened with worries , if you watched her crossing the campus , smiling at people she knows , her eyes bright , her brow unfurrowed .
3 He had said ‘ we ’ , which heartened McAllister enormously but also meant that she must try to justify his confidence , and not let him down ; he must not think her a fine lady only playing at life — she meant to do her share , and yet try not to hinder him .
4 It was simply that the squalor of her house did not affect her .
5 But such sweet reasoning did not comfort her .
6 But that support , which the Nobel committee acknowledges , does not make her a guerrilla .
7 But this does not make her feel less irritated .
8 I could not make her understand it was herself , and I began to be afraid that her illness was real .
9 Fenna did not want her to menstruate , Fenna would not allow her to desire .
10 Fenna did not want her to bleed , and because Fenna did not want it , she had not wanted it either .
11 Salah did not need to persuade himself ; and his Egyptian teacher was also anxious that his daughter should continue — — but he did not want her to be the only one .
12 ‘ I do n't believe he likes Brownies , ’ she confided to her best friend , Mary Trent , ‘ and if he does n't and Brown Owl married him he might not want her to go on being our Brown Owl . ’
13 Similarly Mr. Pope , who was looking after his wife , said he did not want her to be anywhere else but at home :
14 Liz was prepared to allow the therapist to talk to her parents , but she did not want her to tell them about her problems concerning the shop , preferring to discuss these with them herself .
15 If she is severely disturbed emotionally , above the level normally expected in bereavement , and if she can not sleep , he may prescribe tranquillisers and a night sedative ; but this will usually be only for a limited period to help her over a particularly bad patch , as he will not want her to become addicted to these drugs , which if taken for too long may delay the normal grieving process which she will need to experience if she is to make a satisfactory recovery .
16 I also told her that there was no guarantee that she would come up with the answer the first time she was regressed , as this would be a new experience for her and her ever-protective subconscious would not want her to be upset in any way .
17 He killed Perez because ‘ she wanted to stay with him but he did not want her ’ , police said .
18 I did not want her to face the rings that dissolve into the banks of time 's pond when the dead-weight falls to its depths .
19 Mr. Hallworth 's evidence was that he did not want her to enter into the transaction , but she said she wanted to go ahead with it .
20 She could hardly descend on Giovanna Sassanta 's house without an appointment , and Anthony had made it abundantly clear that he did not want her to cross the threshold of his hospital .
21 After all those months of fighting the knowledge that Anthony did not want her much , it was a heavenly feeling .
22 He did not want her to think he was gloating .
23 He did not want her to do that , to draw the attention of his colleagues .
24 Lina 's family will not want her to see me , but I am quite convinced she herself would welcome my presence .
25 " Amabel , there 'll be nobody in Frizingley to touch you , " said John-William Dallam , sitting down rather heavily since he had run upstairs a little too quickly at her call and did not want her to see how easily , these days , he could lose his breath .
26 He did not want her here .
27 ‘ I do not want her ; I have never wanted her .
28 He dared not pull away , even though he did not want her to feel his changing body , but at this point one of her gentle caresses touched the corner of his mouth and before he could stop himself his mouth was on hers , and restrain himself as he might it was a lover 's kiss , not a friend 's .
29 At first she had been surprised when a flask and a chunk of bread had been tossed down to her that first night , until she had remembered that de Raimes did not want her dead just yet .
30 For a start , she had n't seen Rosemary for fifteen minutes and she did not want her to feel left out .
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