Example sentences of "not [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 Milan can be circumspect about visiting conductors , but on this occasion even the orchestra was stamping its approval for Lorin Maazel , a phenomenon I was told the Scala had not witnessed for over two decades ( you would have thought they might have managed it in the recent past for Muti , watching with no evident rancour from the box : but apparently not ) .
2 After this flight the aircraft was de-rigged again and not flown for several weeks .
3 The rain had not stopped for days on end .
4 Around 600,000 members of the former building society have still not registered for their entitlement of free shares .
5 An overseas individual subscriber not registered for VAT , who may previously have incurred VAT through the member state 's post office collection system , will now benefit from a VAT-free magazine , simply because the UK legislation specifically zero-rates those goods — at least for the time being !
6 As flat rate farmers are not registered for VAT , they will not account for VAT on their sales , nor will they be able to make a claim for VAT incurred on business purchases .
7 The sheet explains what an NMT is ; what arrangements apply when supplying an NMT to a person not registered for VAT for removal to another EC country ; what happens if a new vehicle is to be used on UK roads before it is removed to another EC country ; and what to do if obtaining an NMT in the UK for removal to another EC country .
8 Small firms that are not registered for VAT naturally do not charge it .
9 Booksellers may also get entangled in the complexities of the new ‘ distance selling ’ provisions if they are supplying private individuals or small institutions not registered for VAT .
10 I understand that if a bookshop were not registered for VAT it would still be charged VAT by its suppliers but would not be able to reclaim either through Customs & Excise or by passing the charge on to its customers and therefore would face very heavy pressure on margins .
11 The rebel four say : A CLUB SHOP has £60,000 takings a year but is not registered for VAT — and does not appear in the records .
12 The Labour party cloaks under expressions such as ’ attack on civil rights ’ the fact that such people have not registered for the tax and have been indulging in tax avoidance , a practice for which the Labour party still shows some sympathy .
13 The pathogenesis , diagnosis , treatment and control measures are as for the other ruminants , but care must be taken in choosing the anthelmintic since many of those recommended for sheep and cattle are not registered for use in goats .
14 But if you accept that carbon dioxide is a much More insidious threat and nuclear power is the one major supplier of energy that does not produce it , the issue begins to turn not so much on the dangerous unacceptibility of reactors but on how you regulate and make them safe and ensure that their fuel is not diverted for military purposes .
15 Delegates from Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth told a meeting in Manchester hosted by a group of ‘ nuclear free ’ local authorities that they would be pressing the Government to ensure the money is not diverted for this purpose .
16 The IAEA wants to be there to check whether fuel rods have been removed in the past , and to ensure that the spent fuel is not diverted for military purposes .
17 Despite a long tradition of education , there is still a lack of qualified teachers : in 1986 almost 400 teaching posts were not filled for lack of trained applicants .
18 Taking these ageist attitudes one stage further , Price and Andrews ( 1982 ) state that ‘ diagnosed alcoholism frequently is not referred for alcoholic treatment because of health professionals ’ beliefs that the alcoholic is too old to benefit from treatment' .
19 This is due probably to the fact that people suffering from aphasia are more likely to come to the attention of a neurologist than individuals suffering from certain kinds of right hemisphere damage which may pass unnoticed by the individual himself such that he does not seek medical attention or is not referred for neurological investigation .
20 On scrutinising the notes of the 80 patients not referred for a specialist opinion we concluded that a nephrological opinion might have helped management in 17 cases .
21 With one exception previous studies of acute renal failure were renal unit based and did not include those patients who were not referred for specialist opinion .
22 This study shows that some patients are not referred for specialist opinion , the shortfall being mainly among elderly people .
23 If this population is representative of the UK nationally , a substantial number of patients dying from end stage liver disease is being denied the option of liver transplantation because they are not referred for assessment .
24 He knows where nothing can go wrong , where the young man is worrying ‘ My God , if something happens which I have not calculated for … ’ .
25 This was not calculated for sleep position and breast feeding because of the similar exposure distribution of these two variables among Maori children and their controls ( table IV ) .
26 We focused on enquirers to courses in science , mathematics and engineering and on those who had completed an application for a course but who for one reason or another had not enrolled for it .
27 She had not pressed for a statement at Westminster out of respect to his family .
28 Well , since he 's not pressed for time , perhaps one more .
29 States which reject Part XI on the Deep Seabed have not pressed for amendment , but have taken steps to establish an alternative regime for the area .
30 ‘ The English way has not altered for 30 years , ’ he says .
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