Example sentences of "not [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 MARILYN MORGAN , section manager , in-store training , East Filton : ‘ We sell batteries but not watch batteries — they do n't take up much space . ’
2 The clear structure of the book — reading passages , exercises and Focus sections — means that teachers who are not computer experts will find the course easy to teach .
3 We ai n't going to have an organised workload , we are not computer operators , what we are is salesmen .
4 The biorhythms program is simple and easy to use for those who know the subject but are not computer boffins .
5 The biorhythms program is simple and easy to use for those who know the subject but are not computer boffins .
6 In this guise , the computer 's role was to elaborate some of the issues which emerged in a course in which historical themes , not computer methods were the central focus .
7 ‘ They 're desk jockeys , not field men .
8 The data included the days just before delivery when , for most futures ( but not index futures ) , volume falls sharply .
9 You 've got ta burn to , to cover all they 've just laid three hundred and thirty management staff off management , not dray lads , not brewery lads .
10 This consisted of M1 plus all sterling private-sector time deposits in banks ( but not building societies ) , plus private-sector holdings of bank certificates of deposit .
11 Not vérité photographs — pretending there is n't a mind behind the camera or a finger on the button .
12 Taggers were kids who painted their names on walls , not gang members , but unarmed graffitists .
13 Several papers said so — and are still unwilling to listen to the facts which are that we are simply encouraging staff — not branch managers — to collect fees which are properly due .
14 It is a matter of pride to us that we can boast of several scholars , in the first rank , who are not university teachers .
15 the ‘ G ’ and ‘ Y ’ are not part numbers .
16 We 're not souvenir hunters .
17 It does not debar citizens of the Republic of Ireland or of the Commonwealth from membership and election of these is not unknown .
18 It 's a flexi-time job — start as long before 9 as you like and go on as long after 5 as the situation requires ( 6 , 7 , 8 — not mention weekends ! ) .
19 Technology provides trainer aids not trainer substitutes .
20 We know now why God chose us to be agents and not lollipop persons or antique dealers .
21 If we did not programme computers correctly , they would also get very confused .
22 This section applies whether or not insolvency proceedings of any kind have been taken , and it applies however long before the application to the court the transaction being impugned was entered into .
23 Hence the very important legislation of 1781 , which abolished personal servitude , though not labour services , in Bohemia , Moravia and Silesia ( it was later extended to the other hereditary provinces and in 1785 to Hungary ) .
24 The state can encourage , foster or guide , but not force producers or consumers to do what they prefer not to do .
25 Trainees are told that they are salesmen and not investment advisers or analysts .
26 ‘ Club directors are laymen and not football experts , which is why Liam has been asked to look at the team 's problems and advise us about what he is going to do about them .
27 Shares which the holder may or will be required to redeem are also not equity shares , since they do not form part of the residual interest in the company .
28 There are not side effects with specially prepared colour foods , except that any white areas on the fish may turn pink if the amount of additive is excessive , but this is more of a problem with Koi than with tropicals .
29 Would not Opposition Members like to have thought of that idea and put it through in legislation ?
30 Definitely not under-pressure Rovers manager Dennis Rofe who , nonetheless , will welcome Allison 's help three days a week .
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