Example sentences of "not [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You are not kind to your little seester ! ’
2 The weather was not kind to the competitors in 1987 , being very wet and stormy .
3 She did n't mean — I think — that Richard and I were not kind to her , only that she did not ‘ come first ’ with either of us , and she was a woman who needed to be made much of and fussed over .
4 The Thatcher years were not kind to Lord Weinstock , GEC 's legendary managing director .
5 From the early summer of 1916 , the growth point of pacifist protest was not resistance to conscription , but the demand for a negotiated peace .
6 The balance-of-payments deficit is not as bad as it looks , partly because it stems from private sector choices rather than public sector profligacy , and is thus inherently less inflationary as individuals can not resort to the printing press to ease the burden of their debt ; and partly because much of it may be imaginary , since the figures omit the ‘ balancing item ’ of unrecorded net receipts from overseas assets .
7 His hatred for those who crossed him having once shared the bonds of mutual loyalty was unbounded , but equally he never forgot old services performed , and , apart from the ‘ Night of the Long Knives ’ in June 1934 , he did not resort to purges within the Party .
8 If there was some difficulty involved which resulted in your leaving a job , avoid referring to it , but do not resort to outright lying as this will rebound badly against you if you are found out .
9 If you are not sure about the right way to connect something in a mains power supply circuit , do not resort to trial and error .
10 The outsiders either would not or could not resort to those tactics which were thought to have assisted the establishment of the three large criminal practices characterised by an ‘ outside ’ solicitor as ‘ The Barons ’ ( Thomas and Mungham 1976 ; Smith and Thomas 1978 ) .
11 Even in the Petitioners case , where less emphasis is placed upon status , the Court does not resort to treaty arguments and indeed could not do so , for there was no treaty right of petition .
12 Some of my former colleagues would agree that my recent work is unhistorical but on the contrary condemn it for this — or rather they would condemn it did they not resort to the easier course of dismissing it as the gutterings of a senile mind .
13 Slipper of the Yard objected to some passages in Delano 's book but did not resort to litigation .
14 But Lord Zouch , President of the Council , who was no friend to the professional judges there , discounted the notion that they were taking bribes : ‘ I mean not money to any magistrate , ’ he remarked .
15 It 's not money to us , it 's a way of life .
16 Use this where your employee has not entitlement to SSP or where that entitlement has run out but he or she is still sick .
17 Chapels are not improvements to coal houses .
18 Books were not possessions to be accumulated and , in this town without a library , reading really meant newspapers and magazines .
19 The pair are not first-timers to the MPA competition , having won a first prize in the portrait section last year .
20 It only remained then , in this tight little half-hour programme , for David Attenborough to bring us up to date on the mountain gorillas of Rwanda — they are mainly alive and moderately well but not thanks to poachers — and for Mr Soper to have a fleeting swipe at the conservation intentions of the government , and it was all over .
21 Not data to the
22 You 're not tape to taping are you ?
23 Failure to observe the requirements laid down in the byelaws usually leads to a fine whether or not prejudice to health or a nuisance occurs .
24 They do not become parties to the treaty but to the Protocol , while the treaty parties are not parties to the Protocol .
25 The Court reiterated that ‘ the Convention does not govern the actions of States not parties to it , nor does it purport to be a means of requiring the Contracting States to impose Convention standards on other States . ’
26 ‘ Decisions that resolve disputes between the parties to them , whether by litigation or some other adversarial dispute-resolving process , often have consequences which affect persons who are not parties to the dispute ; but the legal concept of natural justice has never been extended to give such persons as well as the parties themselves rights to be heard by the decision-making tribunal before the decision is reached .
27 By a notice of appeal dated 13 August 1991 the applicant appealed against that decision of the Divisional Court on the grounds , inter alia , that it had erred ( 1 ) in holding that there was no obligation on Lautro to give the applicant an opportunity to make representations prior to the issue of that notice ; ( 2 ) in asserting that there was a principle of law that a regulatory body should know with precision from whom they must invite representations ; ( 3 ) in perceiving any difficulty in identifying persons who should have been given advance notification , so as to be treated fairly , of any proposals by Lautro to issue a notice since such notification should at least be given to anyone who would be directly affected by such a notice and/or whose conduct was in issue ; ( 4 ) in regarding as apposite the remarks of Lord Diplock in Cheall v. Association of Professional Executive Clerical and Computer Staff [ 1983 ] 2 A.C. 180 , 190A since the non-application of the legal concept of natural justice to all persons effected by but not parties to a dispute was not and had never been in issue ; and ( 5 ) in failing to have regard to the absence of any rights of appeal according to the rules of Lautro in deciding whether the principle of natural justice applied .
28 In Cheall v. Association of Professional Executive Clerical and Computer Staff [ 1983 ] 2 A.C. 180 , 190 , Lord Diplock said : ‘ Decisions that resolve disputes between the parties to them , whether by litigation or some other adversarial dispute-resolving process , often have consequences which affect persons who are not parties to the dispute ; but the legal concept of natural justice has never been extended to give such persons as well as the parties themselves rights to be heard by the decision-making tribunal before the decision is reached . ’
29 Note 62/3/2 in The Supreme Court Practice 1991 explains that rule 3(2) only applies to a right of a party to recover costs ‘ from any other party to the proceedings ’ and will not apply to the right of a mortgagee to retain costs out of a mortgaged property on redemption or to any other contractual right to costs out of a fund or from persons who are not parties to the proceedings .
30 An order requiring the third , fourth and fifth defendants , who were not parties to any Euramco transaction and who did not receive anything under any Euramco transaction , to repay the investors the money paid for the Euramco shares , is , he submits , a compensatory order , not a restitutionary one .
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