Example sentences of "not [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 However , it was certainly not Pflimlin 's understanding that his meeting with de Gaulle had begun the process of forming a new government .
2 Paul Heaton and friends are definitely not Hull 's answer to Deacon Blue ; more they question why Deacon Blue even exist .
3 It was not Temple 's oratory which persuaded him , for he thought it ‘ rather rotund ’ .
4 It was not Manvell 's displeasure that worried him , but Jane 's anger .
5 Pierre 's hands are there and what they want to do , and the storm , but not Maria 's jealousy .
6 It was in an adult 's handwriting , not Maria 's .
7 ‘ Is that not Jessica 's pushy wee cousin over there ? ’
8 I put them in Hassan 's bag , not Sarah 's .
9 Nowhere more so than in the rape scene itself , which , in marked contrast to the humiliation of Lipstick , makes the men the object of spectacle , focusing on their behaviour , not Sarah 's suffering .
10 A spokesperson for Kelly 's alleged that a member of the club 's staff who visited the teenager in hospital was told by his mother that she blamed the ‘ pushers ’ not Kelly 's for her son 's condition .
11 In fact , however , this is not Hobbes 's view .
12 His state of nature is not Hobbes 's , for it is not composed of individuals following their natural instincts and living in fear of each other .
13 Still critical of the economic and social pressures which centred around the city they could yet find no alternative in this countryside where nature , it was known , was not Marlowe 's ‘ beds of roses ‘ .
14 Even though I use many examples and experiences from my years with that company , the views expressed are mine and if my recollections or impressions vary from others ' that is to my account , and not ICI 's .
15 However , the volume referred to is not Audubon 's only work in Edinburgh .
16 ‘ It 's an exhibition about Michelangelo the sculptor , not Michelangelo 's sculptures ’ , in the words of Pietro C. Marani of the Soprintendenza per i Beni Artistici e Storici of Milan , curator at the Pinacoteca di Brera , and scientific co-ordinator of the exhibition .
17 The suggestion ( impossible to prove ) that Hilary was not Gerald 's son but Walter 's .
18 While the example of Kepler illustrates the influence of artistic practice on a ‘ scientist ’ ( which is not Kemp 's primary concern ) , discussion of this instance would have enhanced considerably the author 's argument that both the theory and practice of perspective were significant resources for the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century .
19 Not Perdita 's problem , ’ said Daisy .
20 In response to Frankish currency reform he began to mint new silver pennies in the 760s and 770s , when London emerges as an important royal Mercian minting centre , if not Offa 's principal mint ; it may have been here that his first coins were produced .
21 The court can not attach a meaning to words which they can not bear , but if the words are capable of bearing more than one meaning why should not Parliament 's true intention be enforced rather than thwarted ?
22 The plan had been originally for Rohan to marry Antoinette , but because she was the Baronne 's niece , not Gaston 's , the inheritance would have been penalised financially by the government .
23 THE Bass Irish Cup final saga disappointed many people but not Bangor 's Ray McGuinness .
24 They 're yours , not William 's .
25 Not William 's .
26 It is not Nizan 's allegiance to communism which must be interpreted in the light of his resignation from the party .
27 The child , Beryl , was born and everybody seemed content except that gossip insisted the child was not Edwin 's . ’
28 In the meantime , whether or not Acheson 's alleged insensitivity to the nationalism of China 's leaders could be reckoned to extend southwards to Vietnam and whether or not the evidence suggests European rather than Asian priorities , Truman 's momentous post-war Democratic Administration , and his partnership with Acheson , had taken the US into the tiger 's cage .
29 No no not Dan 's Bonnie 's party sorry and I , I 'd had er
30 But , keeping the matter to herself was also a way of protecting her husband : she wanted to believe the incident was all Phil 's fault , not Bernard 's .
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