Example sentences of "not [noun] be " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 For example , would not fidelity be a ‘ moral consideration ’ ?
2 The simple fact of referring to something not present is already a separation from the immediate context , while the concepts and terms employed in any language involve degrees of such separation .
3 [ This manifest contradiction shows that the assumption that FG is not primitive is untenable . ]
4 Similarly in ( 19 ) the conditional would signifies that not building is being envisaged as a hypothesis , as something which might be done in the future , but which is unadvisable in the eyes of the speaker .
5 That 's not kind is it ?
6 So , for instance , if X and Y are compatibles , then A is f(X) and A is not f(X) are logically independent of A is f(Y) and A is not f(Y) .
7 No matter what reservations Churchill might have entertained about the Atlantic Charter and whether or not freedom was meant to apply to colonial territories , the unworthiness of France to return to Indochina was soon to become one of Roosevelt 's fixed ideas on colonialism and an issue that would bedevil relations between all the Allied powers in Southeast Asia with the possible and ironic exception of the Soviet Union .
8 Proceedings at any lawful public meeting , ( whether or not admission is restricted ) which is called to discuss any matter of public concern .
9 The difference between mental health and mental ill-health is not in whether or not defences are used but in the flexibility or rigidity with which they are employed and in the mix between them , as opposed to the over-use of one defence rather than others .
10 A good illustration of ‘ intended ’ is found in the case of Childs v Coghlan ( 1968 ) 112 Sol Jo 175 where a 30 ton earth mover which was made for use on construction sites and not roads was held to be a motor vehicle .
11 Why can not money be spent on advertising the help available in places where the homeless gather ?
12 Lord Zetland who lives near Ripon and lists his recreations as horse-racing and lawn tennis but not mountaineering was in the team for the second year .
13 Not bolshoi is it , how do you spell Macau ?
14 ( iii ) Thus in Bourdieu 's traditional society , like Hegel 's Orient , stasis and not change is the rule .
15 NPAs have no compulsory powers and the Minister is the final arbiter of whether or not grant is withheld if a scheme proceeds without the NPA 's agreement .
16 Well he 's not piecework is he ?
17 I would like to ask the convenor , with relation to one three on page three hundred and forty concerning the Christian ideal of marriage why not mention is menti is made there of the importance of the family worshipping and praying together .
18 But then it occurred to him that perhaps the joke was Nicola 's and not Blufton 's at all , some invention to impress her boss and ensure her succession to Jane Pargeter 's job .
19 Oh you 're not mummy are you not ?
20 Whether or not patronage is used in a party political manner , the non-departmental sector nevertheless ‘ affords the opportunity for government by co-option rather than by election or by merit appointment ’ ( Hood , 1978 , p. 41 ) .
21 Whether or not McLuhan is wholly right , some things are indisputable .
22 The division between formal and informal is based on the distinction between wage-earning and self-employment , with the key variable being the rationalisation of work , in other words whether or not labour is recruited on a permanent or regular basis for fixed reward .
23 Lacking such belief , will not Labour be wrested from its pragmatic and up-to-date policies at the first whiff of hot breath on Prime Minister Kinnock 's neck ?
24 I mean we 're not kids are we ?
25 One of the difficulties that the senior police officer must consider when deciding whether or not disruption is serious is that , if it seems likely that very large numbers of marchers will be involved , the strength of public support in favour of the particular cause must be weighed against the degree of disruption caused .
26 Not Beadle 's About , You 've Been Framed next week
27 As this Report has noted , people of other faiths or of no faith , as well as Christians , are used by God to mediate his gift of music , and those who are not believers are as capable as those who are of responding to the power of religious music .
28 Only one subject who had received 6.25 µg cholera toxin observed no increase in stool frequency , however , in this case only decreased absorption and not secretion was observed in the test segment .
29 The consequences of that assertion , if it is valid , are peculiar and alarming ; but fortunately I can examine it without criticising the sovereign or impugning her judgement , because ministerial advice that ministerial advice is not requisite is also ministerial advice , for which ministers must take responsibility and stand question .
30 It may not matter very much what claims the Association makes for itself but one would hope that co-operation and not confrontation is to be its approach , and the making of false claims can only antagonise the Law .
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