Example sentences of "not [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I hope the yungstirs do not hav much dribble with the difficult wurds .
2 Those behind him were not Hurricanes however — they were Bf109Es of III/JG 27 .
3 It does not proposals currently under discussion make it clear that advisory influence on individual careers will remain highly significant ( Leeds City Council 1991c ) .
4 He was educated at top school Ampleforth — not Eton as many believe .
5 However , there are some very sound reasons why we should not re-petition just yet .
6 Miguel said gravely , ‘ Was not Victoria there ? ’
7 Should not Germany now make a grant of this land to the nascent Eurofed ?
8 Mr Drury said he had written to parents several times to be more considerate and not park directly outside the school .
9 Sadness comes from the incessant playing of the primeval recordings of the mind ; and these recordings are not noise alone but they are like films of horror .
10 This is not paradise either .
11 Not Beryl either . ’
12 not T so
13 So if we let V not U Right , we let U be that ,
14 Not money anyway .
15 No , no , it 's not money today actually is it ?
16 Not money well spent , and reflects badly on the credibility of their political coverage and on market research as a whole .
17 For the past 150 years our politicians have been droning on about the need to train the British worker to the level of the German , oblivious to the somewhat obvious fact that we are not Germans so can not be expected to behave like them .
18 It was not Christie alone who saw the connections between peripheral military patronage and profit , and offers of minor posts about the Castle of Stirling were often considered worth making by politicians soliciting the town 's vote .
19 OPERA : Edward Greenfield finds the Medea at Covent Garden relentlessly loud Cool , but not Callas enough .
20 Whether or not Crosland actually shared this view of the universities it is possible , as Carswell points out , to deduce from Crosland 's 1965 Woolwich speech that the universities were somehow ‘ placed in isolation , seeking after truth , persuing learning for its own sake , and getting a lot of money for it ’ .
21 Groups are not groups any longer .
22 Why are there not beetles as big as badgers and moths as large as hawks ?
23 Yes I suppose it 's not taxpayer now , what do we call them now — poll , poll tax payers or I suppose they are still tax payers though .
24 We 're not drinkers either .
25 The essence of Hollywood was that it used actors who became real before the camera ; they were not ciphers there to be manipulated by an all-powerful director but they were actors who were able to combine natural qualities and varied skills and techniques in such a way as to create an on-camera identity .
26 One matter in particular will not figure much in Part 1 .
27 It is then the legal duty in any situation must I think the questions for the court , clearly there 's not practice so accepted standards of conduct as laid down by the professional institute .
28 What he suggested was that ‘ the words nice , nasty , morbid , vulgar , dirty , clean are not words merely , but complete attitudes of mind , complete summaries coded in 1910 language ’ .
29 , that 's not Beethoven though James
30 OLDER cars have to undergo an annual MoT test — so why not drivers too ?
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