Example sentences of "not [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So sometimes they-will not carry-out the work themselves , but rather drive the car to a specialist centre and charge for the time .
2 The idea seems strange : is not transgression a liberation from , a moving beyond ; a breaking out , perhaps even a progression ?
3 bud will not warder a solidree rose —
4 The activities of Whips are a mystery to most people outside Parliament but it is known that they do occasionally cajole , threaten and even bully MPs who might not toe the party line .
5 In the Lugbara case , the ancestors make no bones about their direct administration of the moral code : if you do not toe the line they quickly bring you to your knees with a few sharp , salutary lessons .
6 ‘ It will not advantage the lower paid workers in a free collective bargaining situation if those who are the strongest get the most . ’
7 They could not foot the increased deficit .
8 It 's not Roger the lodger in her case .
9 Which did not pleasure the Emperor .
10 It does not distress the fish , and it is eating normally .
11 He has not received a reply , but , as a sponsor of a Bill going through Congress threatening retaliation if Japan does not practice an open door policy , his anger could be translated into action .
12 Not winkles the
13 Even Labour Party policy has been to permit sales , provided they do not disadvantage the community or impair housing authorities ' abilities to meet their obligations , which can be difficult to prove in practice .
14 A horse which does not produce saliva also does not mouth the bit .
15 Are not trusts the first step towards privatisation ?
16 Perhaps the strangest talisman — and one ( or should one say many … ? ) which made those initiates feel themselves intimately a part of the Fists — was kept in a long crypt below the Reclusiam , reached by a dropshaft which would incinerate anyone who did not sport a Black Carapace beneath their skin .
17 The voice is utterly firm , and there are no places where it gives notice of coming apart at the seams : she does not sport a ‘ separate ’ chest-register or a ‘ separate ’ floated top .
18 Instead I tidied the spare room , glad again that I had been forced , through circumstances , to have him with me the night after his death , because to me he was n't Nigel one moment because he was breathing and not Nigel the next because he 'd stopped .
19 Do not type a space
20 Tap the keys as indicated by the boxes rather than typing the letters : eg do not type the letters or the plus sign in Alt+U
21 Consequently , the Franco regime could not institute a programme of land reform without arousing the hostility of the landowners .
22 Thus it can not institute an action in the courts …
23 Right , the search is on for the person in the team who told me that Larry Adler 's birthday was today , and not February the tenth .
24 Sink them just far enough to dimple but not fracture the paper surface
25 Of course in both cases their technology covers system software not applications the way 88open 's does .
26 The normal forms of express covenant contained in a lease include amongst others a covenant to repair by the tenant , and a covenant that the tenant will not sublet the premises .
27 This is supported by our study with human volunteers , in which an excess of dietary phosphate did not prevnet the protective effects of supplemental dietary calcium on solubility and lytic activity of luminal surfactants .
28 The censor on the other hand claims a moral and élitist superiority in his or her actions , and whether intentionally or not credits the user with virtually no powers of discrimination .
29 Of course , such con- ditions did not disgrace every mill , nor were they wholly absent outside the factory system .
30 These moves would not disgrace a HVS climb were it not for the fact that two sets of in situ threads protect them perfectly : a good testing ground to see if you are up to greater things .
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