Example sentences of "he more [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd thought of her constantly , hoping she still worked for the Bradford family , and the invitation to Christmas dinner with them had caused him more elation than Maud , his wife , though he had n't dared show it .
2 The techniques he employs , he says , give him more flexibility than a potter and allow him maximum flexibility with malleable qualities of the metals he employs .
3 Deane is evidently capable of playing football , they should give him more opportunity to do it .
4 The official appointment would n't give him more money .
5 All it 's done is to give him more money to gamble away up in London .
6 He says that it would cost him more money if he went the other way .
7 She wondered how he 'd be if his father had not driven off or if his mother had shown him more affection .
8 A tradition says that the Emperor 's wife was ill with a disease that baffled the native doctors but the letter which was carried by the Ambassador suggests the true reason ; the Emperor 's sexual ability seems to have been causing him more concern than either his own or his wife 's health as he asked that the physician should bring ‘ some medicines that would provoke the venery ( encourage sexual indulgence ) ’ , in other words , he wanted an aphrodisiac .
9 Her exit caused him more concern than if she had made it in the blaze of anger similar to that with which she had first confronted him .
10 Members of Darlington Borough Council 's works and health committee yesterday agreed to the number change and chairman Coun Eleanor Young said : ‘ I wish him more luck from now on . ’
11 At times I would give him more sedation than other times because of the course of the illness .
12 Also , while he is paying and after he has paid , do n't add to your worries by giving him more credit .
13 The man 's tone was dismissive , and Jaq had to allow him more credit for flexibility than he would have supposed .
14 Yet somehow it brought him more explaining to do .
15 Just as Harry was preparing to aim a kick at this driver where it might hurt , the man offered him more milk , saying that he was a Frenchman doing forced labour and had recognised Harry 's RAF uniform — by now extremely unsuitable for pay parade !
16 He had taken with him more badness than goodness , leaving not a vacuum , but a breathing space .
17 A new Quality Performance system was set up for the person rowing the boat to give him more incentive to work harder and become a key performer .
18 When it was loose at night he gathered it in his hands and buried his face against it before kissing her , and it seemed to give him more satisfaction than the hurried , clumsy act of love which followed .
19 At last , out of the silence , Moran noticed McQuaid 's glass was empty and attempted to pour him more whiskey .
20 The check would have given him more control over the hammers and the freedom to play more powerfully than he had done in 1777 , without making the piano jangle .
21 Gradually he had started to reject food which had increased her level of anxiety and gained him more attention .
22 He went back to the cage and concentrated on Bobo , because she seemed to be giving him more attention and was sitting close up to the bars .
23 He did n't want to drag them , because even though it would give him more room there would be a risk of noise which might attract the attention of the housekeeper .
24 They started to give him more advice .
25 If the hon. Member would like to see me privately , I shall give him more information .
26 He was no respecter of persons or institutions or ideas just because they were vested with a brief authority , and nothing gave him more pleasure than to prick the bubble of pretension .
27 This was a new Lachlan for most of the men — quieter , grim but not violent ; and his efficiency and drive won him more respect than ever his temper had done .
28 The Colonel , the Honourable , the Member of Parliament had given him more access to what nearly approached aristocratic companionship than he had ever enjoyed .
29 He believed if only his parents had given him more confidence and the right backing , he would have made a very good male model .
30 In fact , when he gets a goal you will see an even bigger difference in him because that will give him more confidence . ’
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