Example sentences of "he like [art] " in BNC.

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1 They carted him like a scarecrow , his heels scoring the gravel , but he was as stubborn as a pig in a cart , he would never squeal without a hard prod ; Donald Stewart the blacksmith had to grip his wrist to make him sign the paper .
2 He then passed quickly through the crowd , eyes studiously on the ground , black gown folded round him like a rook 's wings .
3 If he came back , to spread the word , no doubt they would hang him like a felon .
4 They taunted him like a rope dangling just out of reach .
5 Defeat entered him like a heart attack , stunning the centre of his system .
6 Time was rolling over him like a huge millstone , a broad grey abrasive surface turning and turning just above him , crushing him smaller , wearing him away .
7 She wrapped herself around him like a clam in formation , her body one big muscle , straining .
8 Both areas , breaking and mending , engrossed Dostoevsky from the time when the shared convict existence of prison snapped him like a dry biscuit yet also made him new , so that in the closing words of The House of the Dead , with the knocking off of his fetters , the narrator greets ‘ a new life , voskresenie from the dead ’ .
9 There on the television monitors was a body lying alone in the middle of the track with his seat still strapped to him like a pilot 's parachute pack .
10 When he turned to look , it seemed to him that the hospital was moving away from him like a phantom ship , butting through the September mists .
11 When top Bolshoi ballet dancer Yuri Vasyuchenko strides through the streets of Moscow , his compatriots treat him like a rock star .
12 We began to treat him like a strange alien person who need to be over-protected , who needed to be shielded from outsiders and the press .
13 They treated him like a child trying champagne for the first time .
14 Her anger sliced through him like a knife .
15 Indeed , there were times when his gratitude pressed down on him like a crushing burden slumped across his shoulders .
16 She was bearing down on him like a bull in full charge when he jumped the wide steps and with a cry of terror threw himself against the front door of the house .
17 It was late in the afternoon , during double English , that the answer came to him like a bolt out of the blue .
18 It came up at him like a smack across the chops from a hand wet with soapy water .
19 The thin man niggled at him like a flea in the hide of a rhinoceros .
20 Their silence gripped him like a huge fist squeezing out the truth .
21 The winger jumped at the last minute and Kitchen slid underneath him like a runaway bull and hit the concrete wall full on .
22 Johnny Kelly turned him inside out , dizzied him , nutmegged him , played with him like a yo-yo and when Ramsey finally collapsed in the mud as Kelly cut inside him , a voice on the terraces said : ‘ Ramsey , tha'rt about as much use as a chocolate teapot . ’
23 The desire to capture had driven him like a wild man through the school yard , up the sidewalk , everywhere .
24 She patted his lapel , straightening the flower , and kissed him like a little girl .
25 The wind threatened to pluck him like a ripe orange off a tree .
26 He slipped a powerful arm round her and held her tight in to his side , where she purred , rubbing against him like a cat .
27 In this version , the man carried a parasol , and the most memorable sequence is when , brandishing it in front of him like a cross between a broom and a weapon , he opens and shuts it in time with the steps .
28 Sometimes she was served up garnished with prizes , a certificate of excellence in swimming or a merit card from a teacher , but more often than not she was slapped down in front of him like a British Rail sandwich , garnished with a series of medical complaints .
29 He is wearing long white shorts with a black band , he is perfectly poised , arms outstretched , slightly crouched , his arrow-like board barely carving the water with one rail , spraying out a tail of whitewater behind him like a comet moving through space .
30 Photographs of the period show a grinning Duke with his ten-foot board looming up behind him like a tall wooden tombstone , his name engraved on the deck like an epitaph .
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